Eastern - North West Norfolk (Kings Lynn) and Cambridge (Milton) Schedule of Events 2025

Good Afternoon

Following 4 weeks of concerted effort we have put together a schedule of events for 2025 which we believe encompasses a rich and diverse selection of interests and venues and sincerely hope they appeal to you, as much as they did to us.

Whilst we will do our utmost to ensure the dates and venues remain unaltered, there may be occassions that, due to no fault on our part, may have to change at short notice.

W know that the North East Essex (Colchester) meet are working hard to establish a secure ‘home’ venue, we are therefore confident that Steve, Jeanette and Gary will follow suit with their calendar in the near future.

All of the events can be found on the Owners Club - Eastern - Calendar. (and attached below).

  • NOTE: There are 2 further, Inter Area weekend events that are yet to be confirmed, (25th/26th/27th April and 8th/9th/10th September) as soon as they have been confirmed they will be uploaded to the calendar and the Eastern Forum.

As the year progresses we are confident that additional opportunities will become apparent, wherever and whenever that happens, you will, of course be notified.

In the meantime, If you have an event or even just a favourite drive that you would like to organise, please let Andrew or myself know and we will give whatever help we can

Kind regards

Barry and Andrew


Well done :+1:t3:

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