Could anyone who has the Mk2, the Mk2.5 and the Mk3 models please post a picture of their engine bays please. I am just interested to compare the layout etc against the Mk1 model.
Hi Pollyana! look at the post of Mk3 for sale it includes an engine bay photo.
Regards JJ.
Hi Pollyanna, Have you had a look in the ‘Readers Rides’ section? This post 'AndyMk2’s… Mk2.5! ’ has some good photos of a lovely Mk2.5 including engine bay Also try Google images. I can take some photos of the engine in my Mk2.5 if there is anything specific you would like.
Thanks rovergeo, I was interested to if the engines get polished up etc like the Mk1s do, that’s all really.
There is not much to polish in an NC engine bay, most of the visible parts are plastic.
That is what I was wondering about, thanks Robbie. I guess the Mk3 etc are the same.
Heres my MK2.5 Sport.....Not as shiney as i would like but it
s a start