FB ND Owners UK

Well this is slightly awkward… :grin:

I have my Facebook profile set up with all sorts of rubbish including location as that’s good internet hygiene.

Seems like the mods/admins are cleaning up the group to weed out non UK based accounts (I validated this with one of the admins last night).

I’ll have to live with the unintended consequences of my profile location choice and see if there’s an Alaska based group… :grin:

A lot nearer to home might be Skaw and your spellchecker changed it to Alaska without you noticing…

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I’ve moved to South Uist, maybe that will help! :desert_island:


I deleted my Facebook account yesterday. The mobile news feed was full of utter drivel from groups I have never joined, and its tracking was getting as creepy as hell. I hope Musk wins the cage fight with Zuck (I didn’t just make that up, read the news!).

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Similar to your Facebook experience, my twitter account has become full of inane adverts and tweets from people and groups I’ve never heard of and in which I have absolutely no interest.

Hmm Musk v Zuck…

A bit like Man Utd v Liverpool - a shame they both can’t lose.

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there’s Always ND-Europe

We are less picky on location… :rofl:

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