Hello All,
As part of the retro heated seat fit, has anyone moved the NB Rear fog Light Switch to the Dual switch postion on the NBFL to the right of the steering wheel.
The Haynes wiring diagram shows different switch wiring for cars with or without front fog lights.
Help appreciated.
Hi Robbie,
As part of the Heat Seat Retro fit I need to move the Rear Fog lamp switch from its current postion in the centre console.
A number of years ago I fitted a NBFL front end together with lights and front fog lights. I made up a loom with relays for this fit and switched the fogs using a NBFL switch I managed to obtain.
Both switches illuminate with the panel lights (all be it not green but orange) and the front fog switch tell tale lamp illumiates when the lamps are switched on with full beam selected.
Given the above Im now looking to use the Rear Fog Light Switch from this NBFL switch pair to replace the original NB switch.
Looking at the switch connector it doesn’t correspond with the Haynes manual wiring diagram in terms of cable colours to effect this - see attached photo.
Finally I currently have two spare wires one Yellow and one Black do I assume these go to the Rear Fog Light Relay replacing those from the existing switch?
Help Appreciated.
I’ll break out the wiring diagram and give you the pin outs. Won’t be until tomorrow now though.
Thanks Robbie ,
I see from your other post that you don’t have the fog lamp control unit from a facelift. You’ll probably need one of those unless your going to make up some bespoke circuitry.
Pinouts are:
Grey/Black - To Panel Light Control Switch
Green/Yellow - 12 Volt out from front for lamp relay switched side to tell tail in fog lamp switch (same feed as goes to the front fog lamps)
Black - Chassis ground
Blue - 12 volt input from coil side of Front Fog Lamp Relay (grounded by front fog lamp switch)
Yellow/Red - From Rear Fog Lamp Control Unit to Rear Fog Lamp switch.
Black - Chassis ground
Red/Black - 12 Volt from tail light fuse (night time illumination)
Here’s the wiring diagram if you can work with it.
Thanks again Robbie - much appreciated.
I have a second hand internal loom from a NBFL inc heated seats and aircon arriving next week. Im going to use this as nessary for the heated seat retro fit so Ill do the same for the rear fog switch change once ive got hold of a second hand Rear Fog Control Unit.
Hi again Robbie,
Re the above I’m still considering options on the Rear Fog Light Switch move from NB to NBFL Dual switch operation.
Given I already have the Front Fog Light element of the NBFl dual switch operating correctly with my own Front Fog installation - I note the following options from a 2009 historic post.
1.Operate my NB Rear Fog Light using a Latched relay operated by the Yellow/Red wire at the switch connector.
2. Make the NBFL Rear Fog element of the switch operate as per the front Fog Light Switch by modification introduction of a spring.
Your thoughts would be appreciated.
Hello Robbie,
After some consideration I’ve decided to opt for the Latched Relay solution to get the Rear Fog Light part of the NB2 Dual Switch operational.
I attach a modified wiring diagram from the Haynes Manual (its simple and Consise) for my purposes.
In summary I intend to replace the existing NB1 Rear Fog Light Relay with a Latching Relay.
I will use the R/W then V/Y feed to the existing switch to power the new relay at Pin 30. Earth the relay at Pin S. Trigger the Relay latch via the Y/R feed from the NB2 Switch at Pin 56 and lastly connect Pin 56b to the P/L wire from the existing switch to Illuminate the Fog Light and Dasnboard Tell Tale.
Relay Pinouts are shown below.
Does anyone know if the NBFL Arctic Limited Edition had Front Fog lights fitted?
No, it didn’t. They would have been available as an accessory though.
Thanks Robert,
Ive bought a used NBFL loom for parts from an Arctic. Ive found the Heated seat relays and bracket, but try as I might I cant find a dual fog light switch connector😥.
Evening Robbie,
Im doing some bench testing with the Front/ Rear Fog Light switch before car installation.
On the Front Fog Ligjt switch is Blue (L) the 12 volt input from the relay and Green/ Yellow the switch output to the Fog Lamp via the Tell Tale?
If so with the switch earthed ( Im using a 12 volt Battery ) I cant get it to function ?
When I buzz all the circuits with a multi meter all is well??
In Brighton for the weekend. Give me nudge next week.
Will do - Enjoy🤣.
Blue is 12 volts from the coil side of the relay, pressing the switch grounds this to switch the relay. The Green/Yellow is 12 volt switched by the relay. The Green/Yellow is 12 volts to the tell-tale on the switch. 12 volts on the Green/Yellow and grounding the black wires should make the tell tail illuminate.
Hi Robbie,
Can you point me in the direction of the Rear Fog Light Relay on my NB Mk2 please?
Thanks Robbie,
Is it accesible without removal of the Drivers footwell kick panel?
Can’t say for certain but I would guess so.