Garage too small

If you think your garage is too small to put your car in, then watch this genius park his…


He looked to be a completely the wrong angle when first entering the garage. Where does he put his bike once he is in? :joy:

Probably folds the back seats down and puts it in the boot!!

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Chapeau to that man!

He looks just like a bloke I used to know.

He set himself up on a stool and painted the garage floor with bitumen paint. After a couple of hours his missus went out to see where he was and found him stuck to the floor. He had been shouting her for ages.

The home owners across from me had an extension and garage put on the side of the house a good few years ago. He had at the time a Mk2 Fiesta, not a very big car. The shenanigans trying to first drive in the garage then reverse in was a sight to behold. He gave up and never did manage to park it in there.
I later found out from him, fully in he couldn’t get around the car very well to get out through the door leading to the house and the door hit the bumper. Leaving the car away from the internal door a little meant he couldn’t close down the up and over door.
I think the only vehicle that would fit comfortably in there is a smart car or a motorbike.:grin:

Fail to plan, plan to fail!

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For the last 30 years of my working life I had to measure up houses as part of my job. The external width of a single garage on a new house never changed in all that time.

I reckon you have no more than an 8-inch gap on either side of the mirrors on an electric Mini Cooper if you park it in a modern single garage. Can you open the doors?

Yep. Most modern garages are useless for actually garaging a car as cars are generally so big nowadays. The building and parking regs need to be updated to accommodate larger cars or even better, cars need to be smaller. If small cars like the MX-5 can have all the safety features required, then the excuse for huge cars for safety reasons does not really hold. If all cars were smaller, safety would no longer be an excuse for unnecessarily massive cars with huge inertia. Pedestrians, cyclists and smaller cars would be the much safer for it.

Totally agree with the above. Modern garages are pretty much useless for vehicle storage and standard parking spaces are not good enough for the average family car. Even some streets are difficult to traverse now with much wider cars parked on either side.

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Modern garages are merely a selling factor" which equates to "This lovely new home you’re buying is already too small for the money you’re paying for it so we’ve included what we term a garage for you to store $h1te in as there’ll no be enough room in your main dwelling for it.
:rofl: :rofl:

And a 2 car drive which needs you to move one to get the other out and vice versa

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Rooms on the “minimum size” with the “minimum” number of sockets, etc. Aaarrgghh!

There is a problem with merely reaching “minimum standards” laid down half a century or more ago; people are taller and wider…

I’ve known for many years a couple who when sat down are about six inches wider than a 1930s Austin 7. The proof is in an old photo from behind where they couldn’t close the doors. So they took the body off it and put a plank across where the seats went, to use it as the farm runabout. Subsequent photos continue to prove the point.

Modern garages and their access are still specified for a 1930s Austin 7.

That ever present problem with new properties built down to a minimum budget for maximum profit is partly why I bought an old house and then extended it as soon as I could afford to, knocking down its old garage in the process.

Ever watched that shuffle done so brilliantly in “Butterflies”?

What a lovely video! I had visions of the house falling down when he was showing the glued-on ‘bump’ strips. But no, perfect parking and exit worthy of Houdini. Voilà!

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Can’t say I have, looks a bit before my time, I’ll be the ripe old age of forty this Christmas :grin:

I tried to find a clip to illustrate it, but alas not much “Butterflies” on YouTube and none of it was relevant to their multi-car shuffle…

I expect it is out there, there were several opportunities to see the car ballet during the program’s life but it’s beyond my media abilities to find any of them.

To be honest is never heard of it, and I was raised on a lot of old stuff like just good friends, only fools, brush strokes, some mothers, rising damp etc, not to mention the carry ons :laughing:

You’ve not really missed anything!
The two standing jokes were her cooking and the cars, the rest of it was so-so; OK first time around, but watch again? No.

Vaguely remember watching it. Didnt one of the brothers end up hitting a neighbour’s car on his drive?