Best Rally since Mallory Park 2009, though the ones in between were also great. 1700+ cars excellent turnout, and a great variety of cars, proving what a big tent the OC is.
Fantastic organisation. Mission Motorsport really made this rally. . Yet again, the bar was raised.
Some of my photos from the day; apologies if your car isn’t here, but there were so many nice ones.
When Mazda introduced a yellow colour, for whatever reason, the yellow paint failed to cover the primer properly. So, they had to paint the cars white, then paint them yellow. Effectively, the yellow cars are very special, and the difficulties in production meant the Mk1 yellow remained a rare car. Its just one of the little cool factoids about this great little car. Here’s Bob Hall’s take on it;
The one good thing about yellow cars (apart of course from being hi-viz and getting involved in less accidents as a result) - they tend to rust slower than most, due to all that extra paint thickness…