I’m looking for technical help or recommendations on: __gearbox bearing noise
Hi all
I’ve had this car 3 years, bought it with 48k on the clock and now done 54k, ever since I bought it I’ve noticed a whirring/ whining noise when sat at idle with the clutch pedal up, press the pedal down and the noise disappears, is this a possible input shaft bearing on it’s way out?, gearbox oil has been changed twice but still has the noise, if it does need replacing can anybody recommend somewhere near me and I guess it’s not going to be a cheap job, it’s a 5 speed box, gear change is fine once the car warms up.
My 2006 1.8 5 speed has always done this, annoying yes but has never got any worse, as the miles have increased the quality of the gear change has improved too, have heard others doing the same but just not as loud as mine, I think there may have been a Technical Service Bulletin from Mazda about it.
Google search , Gear rollover noise
My understanding is it’s just the unloaded gears in gearbox turning over.
That’s my experience of the same noise.
Edit, think this may be the service bulletin
Found this on miata.net a while back, I think it refers to NC mk3 variants.
The bulletin (entitled Transmission Gear Roll Over Noise, numbered MTOL-4120 Dealer Repair Information) states the following:
“Some customers may complain of a whirring noise from the transmission while at idle and in neutral. The noise may also be described as a light rattling when the AC compressor cycles on. This noise is normal and no repairs should be made. Confirm the gear rollover noise by depressing the clutch pedal, the noise should be eliminated. Compare noise to another vehicle to verify this is a normal characteristic.”
I have a similar scenario, however, this really only happened after the new clutch kit was fitted.
Took the mechanic for a drive and demonstrated the noise and how it disappears and he said it was the release bearing…just changed so it’s back at the garage, however, I have ordered a new genuine release bearing and release arm too.
Hi thanks for the reply and it’s an interesting thread, been to my local garage and the mechanic said release bearing straight away so going to have the full clutch kit swapped hopefully that’ll be the end of it.
Hi thanks for the reply the mechanic at my local garage said release bearing straight away so going to have the full clutch kit swapped hopefully that’ll cure it .
I have had 3 NC MX5’s over the years and they have all had the clutch release bearing noise that disappears when the clutch pedal is pressed down. Some of them have been worse than others.
None of them ever failed or got any worse as the miles increased. So - to me it’s just a characteristic of the car.
Thanks 1954 and to all who’ve commented, it’s kind of put my mind at rest, popular consensus is the release bearing and it seems to be a common trait with these cars, kind find anything relating to input shaft bearing failures, as the saying goes if it isn’t broken then don’t fix it, I’ll leave it for now and see how it goes, just been for a blast in this fantastic weather and it drove spot on.
Thanks again
I would 100% leave it
Its more likely transmission noise nothing unusual you just notice it more on the MX5 due to the aluminium brace transferring noise under the car more so than a normal car ,
Clutch release bearing by the way would get noisier when depressed not quieter as its working harder pressing on the clutch cover fingers, well at least all the ones ive ever heard worn in the last 36yrs did .
Yes definitely going to leave it, I did more research last night plus I’ve done 6k in the car and it hasn’t gotten any worse and the car drives fine.
Thanks for the input.
I suffer from this noise & having read about it the symptoms are the same and the noise disappears in the same manner with the clutch dipped. I did suspect the release bearing but the car drives great, gear changes are sweet, no clutch slip, think I will live with it. I did readjust the clutch adjustment via the clutch pedal rod, the sweetspot needed a couple of turns in the end.
With the clutch pedal right up, there should be no noise as there should be a little free play before the release fork contacts the bearing - the relesse bearing will wear out faster if this free play is not present.
It’s academic whether the release bearing or the spigot bearing (also called a pilot bearing) are bad, as both should be replaced as part of any clutch job, but a spigot bearing will not make a noise in neutral, whereas a release bearing will.
From another website: “Begin by taking the vehicle for a test drive. With the transmission in gear and the clutch pedal pressed to the floor, listen for noise. With the transmission in first gear, release the clutch. Noise indicates a worn release bearing or a worn pilot bearing in this situation. Keep the clutch pedal pressed to the floor and the transmission in neutral to isolate the two. If the noise continues, the release bearing is faulty. Alternatively, if the noise has gone away the pilot bearing will be at fault.”
The spigot bearing gets quite a hard life, being pressed into the centre of the flywheel and subject to engine and clutch heat. Eventually the grease inside evaporates. Old cars often used Oilite plain bushes but these also run dry eventually.
Thanks rogerzilla
Many different takes on this, with the car in gear and driving there is some noise but I put that down to drive train noise, what I can say is that when the car is sat still and in neutral with the clutch pedal up there is a whirring/spinning noise, if I press the clutch pedal to the floor the noise goes away completely which would indicate spigot bearing, think I’ll just bite the bullet and have the full clutch changed, for peace of mind if anything.