Glove box damper - Is it repairable?

  1. My model of MX-5 is: NC 06’ 1.8i
  2. I’m based near: North Dorset
  3. I’m looking for technical help or recommendations on: Glove Box Damper.

My cat would like to know is it repairable? If not she would like the string to play with. ?:smile:


Yes - I pulled mine apart and re-attached the string.
Quite easy to do

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Awesome! I had to recrimp the end bit to make the loop for the end. But it’s good as new! Thank you. :+1:

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Glove box! damper! You lucky lucky bar steward!

So luxurious. :smile:

What’s that about!!!
Too posh for these parts……

Major selling point. Glove box damper…

At least I can have a restful night sleep knowing that it’s fixed now. :sweat_smile:

I only thought about fixing it as I had to connect the smart flasher to the fuse box this morning. :person_shrugging::smile:

I wonder why they thought it was a good idea to add one? It really doesn’t do anything if you keep your manual in the glove box… :rofl:

There a glove box damper in an NC ?

Yes, scuttle grommets!!! I will get my coat---------sorry.
:grinning: :heart: