GO Karting Bedlam Event - Saturday 29th August


 Right Folks,

there is a strong desire within the club to get a competitive edge on your fellow buddys.

Im looking at booking a Karting Track www.theraceway.co.uk (Birmingham) for the near future (end of August ish). This track is 650 meters long and comprises of the largest elevated track section in Europe.
This means not only will you go around and around, you will go up and down too (sounds fun hey).

[size=18]The track:[/size]

The format im looking at booking is a 1hour endurance race of 10 teams of 2 people. 10 captins will come forward to pick their team mate out of hat to make it all fair. This adds a second element to the race - Team tactics (of which im not going to discuss now - as i may help out my opnents muhahaha).

The cost per driver is £35 total.

So who wants to race? (20 people needed - if we have more great but any less and this be cancled).

Frineds / family welcome (above 16 years old)

[color=red]The date will be Saturday the 29th of August at 3.30pm. [/color][/size]



******* Currently we have the full 32 people on the list but deposits secure places and i am missing 7.

If you wish to have a second chance at getting on this event then get your name down on the reserves list:

1 Sam








a £10 deposit will be required but this is paid only if a free spaces comes about. If one does come about i shall contact you in list order.

** advertised else where - be quick!

 Now full  [:P]