Hadrian’s Wall

Looking forward to a weekend in Borrowdale/Keswick very soon.
So, we will be returning to Belfast from Cairnryan and are thinking of diverting east from Carlisle, on the drive back from the Lake District, in the direction of Hexham, maybe Walltown Crags (?)……. Planning to meet a couple of old friends and see a little of Hadrian’s Wall at the same time.
Can anyone suggest a pub/restaurant/cafe, with parking that might be suitable to head for?
Hoping to get the roof down…. not holding my breath.

Thanks in advance.

My son lives near Ponteland and we often use the Military Road between Heddon-on-the-Wall to Bardon Mill. It’s the B6318 and avoids the A69.
There are long stretches of open road, roller coaster dips and the Robin Hood pub at East Wallhouses. They do a good breakfast and evening meal.

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Thanks very much for reply.
Our friends come from High Hauxley and worked in the Morpeth area and will drive down to meet up…… we need to be in Stranraer that evening though……
If we don’t do what you suggest this time, we’ll bear it in mind for the next time we visit them in Northumberland.
Thanks again.

Battlesteads pub & restaurant in Wark on Tyne near Hexham is excellent!

Another one for the list…… at this rate we’ll be able to stay all week!
Thanks very much

The Milecastle Inn, North Road near Haltwistle is worth a stop. Not far from the A69 and within sight of Hadrian’s Wall. :slightly_smiling_face:

Sounds good…… only about 60 miles from High Hauxley, and 70 miles from our guest-house in Stranraer.
Another one for the list, and a little further west, so less deviation from our “Carlisle” route.
Thanks very much.