Hello from my MazdaSpeed Roadster Turbo

Just joined and patiently served my probation period so at last I can post. I was on the verge of cancelling and demanding a refund. Took my money but wouldn’t let me post.
Anyway I’m here now with my unique (I think) 2004 Mazdaspeed Roadster Turbo imported from Japan. I say unique because the RHD versions were limited to senior Mazda employees. Further more it was never made in white. Thiis one was specifically specified by a very senior Mazda guy who wanted a Wolf in Sheeps clothing. So he got his in white and specified no spoiler. Plus engine output increased to 200 bhp.

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I’m not sure the story you were told is correct. First, all the Roadster Turbos were RHD; the LHD ones were Miata Turbos, bound for the US. They were on general sale in Japan.

RHD models were exported to Australia, badged as MX5s. One has ended up in the UK.

Japanese brochure for the Mazdaspeed Turbo:

Colour options

Another white one for sale:

The really rare one to get is the Grace Green Mica with cream leather interior


I bow to your superior knowledge. When I tried to enter my car into the MazdaSpeed Db refister the first thing needed is to choose colour and there was not white in dropdown. When I enquired why from the Db controler he told me it was not manufactured in white.
Also there is no rear spoiler and no fixing holes where one would have been. These were both told to me by the dealer that imported it along with the other details that I listed.
You are right about Australian versions, I believe there were around 40 but likely not a stock line probably by special order.
So I stand corrected. Thank you for the additional information particularly that an Australian version found it’s way to the UK.

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After 1991, spoiler were a no cost delete…

What’s a Db refister?

US market models only came in 2 colours

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There were two Australian MX5s, both NBs.

The SP was developed by Mazda Australia, and came with a full factory warranty on the engine.

The later SE was the Mazdaspeed

At the time, in Australia, it was touted as a regular addition to the lineup. Note total Australian MX5 sales were only a few hundred cars, so never a danger of massive demand

The spoiler fitted to the Mazdaspeed was specifically designed for that model and the part number, I understand, was not fitted to other versions of MX5 or Miata. I did try to order one but my local dealership says it is no longer available.
Refister is a simple Typo by a poor typist handicapped by only having one eye. But thanks for pointing it out.

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Welcome to the club, friendly bunch on here you’ll find :+1:

Post some pics if you can!


Welcome to the club


No doubt you’ve seen the USA car (2004 version) featured on Wheeler Dealers. They gave it a good going over and it was a good watch.

If I’ve got the right car…

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2004-2005 until the factory burned down.

Used up the mk2.5 parts and the mk2 engines. Added a tiny IHI turbo that would produce plenty of heat as standard and might melt itself at 200hp.

Heavy car, partly build to make the forthcoming NC seem lighter and fairly powerful, even though it didn’t have a turbo.

Known as Mazdaspeed Miata in America and SE in Australia. Don’t know what it was called in Japan.

Among the unique features in the brochure was that it had less turns from lock to lock. The rack ratio was the same. Mazda physically restricted how far it could be moved.


I just stumbled across this thread today or would have responded long ago.

I am the Registrar for the MSM Worldwide Registry and take great exception to your comment “Its not really a registry, just someone has pulled the VINS off some well known VIN decoder, then occasionally, one shows up as exported”

This website truly is a Registry in every sense of the word. I have been able to identify, verify and document over 6,600 vehicles in Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Demark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Puerto Rico, Singapore, and USA without “some well know VIN decoder”.

I invite you to take ten minutes and explore the website (www.MSMRegistry.com) where you will find:
• Over 230 of pages outlining the History, Specifications, Features of this model in the various countries where initially sold
• Production figures including previously unknow figures from Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Australia, Canada and New Zealand
• Registry breakdowns including, VINs (all three types), production dates, features, colour by original Market Countries and as an added bonus the Lava Orange Registry (USA only)
• Over 2000 pictures of MSMs/RTs/SEs
• Published in four different languages
• Links to media coverage of these models in their respective countries
• Copies of brochures used in the various countries
• Market values - (North America only)
• And a Blog

If this doesn’t qualify as a Registry I’m curious as to what I need to do.

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