Thought I’d come here to introduce myself, I missed this section and have just noticed the Bull Inn is very close to me !
I could pop down and say hello on the 9th?
Been out to meet the moonrakers and some south wales groups, be good to establish who is around in my area!
Thanks, Aran.
Hello and welcome to the Western Region.
Hi Aran
Hope to see you tonight at the Bull.
Karen Gough and Jerry Gann
Western Area Coordinators
Its my mate from YateHello!
Now hurry up and get that ferry booked
Dr. Eunos
Hello & welcome to the forum .
Sorry. Can’t make it tonight as my car has no wheels on it!
Will hopefully meet you all next month!
Hi Aran, think I’ve seen you around Yate, I’ll wave next time I see you.
Also Neil (my hubby) has black Mk1 (that only comes out in dry weather!)
Liz works in Yate too, yellow Mk1 almost always got hood down
I always wave at every mx5 I see!
Can’t miss me, white mk2 with tan roof
Usually catch me down station road at 8:20- 8:30 and 5:35.
Although I will be commuting on something called a ‘bicycle’ quite soon.
Got to start saving for the mighty Nurburgring trip in June!