HELP We need help to move the OC car by trailer

As part of the birthday year celebrations, we have secured a lovely yellow Californian MK1.

The plan for this car is for it to travel around all the regions in the British Isles, be a show piece get news attention and finally be top prize at a raffle drawn and the celebration rally in September.

Before this can happen the car needs some attention from the various Mazda specialists to put it in top condition. A new hood is needed for a start etc.

Currently the car is in my garage, just off junction 10 on the A14 and as it is not insured we need a trailer and tow vehicle to move it the 40 miles to EMG and Roadster Robbie in Cambridge.

The OC will cover fuel expense so ideally we are looking for someone in the Cambridge, Northampton, Bedford or Peterborough areas with a trailer than can give this really needed help. I’m sure you can have a free raffle ticket too [:)]

Mick will be along soon to give the contact details.

Thank you,

15 - 20 team


Free ticket...... I'm coming over in a cold sweat!!!!!

Anyways… if you can help, just hit the contact button top right of this post and drop me an email or call me on 07715908187 (8am - 10pm  I need lots of beauty sleep)

You might also get one over on the mighty Eastern Region [;)]

Why not insure it and drive it?

 Assuming it’s otherwise road-worthy & legal (Veh tax, MoT, etc), can’t someone drive it on their own insurance?

I understand it needs some attention to make it drivable, hence the appeal for a trailer… Any offers ?

It needs a new radiator and at least one of the tyres has a puncher. Part of the idea of this car was to take a basically sound but unloved car and make it wonderful. As such it does need some things doing to it.

I think this is now resolved as we have an offer. [:)]

Hi Nick

I checked with AON the other day and found that my insurance still covers driving a car not owned by me. I am too far away to help but surely you could find someone local whose insurance would cover. Please remember a new hood has been promised by Mazmania - Peter Jones is area coordinator for Cheshire & N Wales. Although I am no longer on the 15-20 committee I have spoken to Mick Gauntlett about assisting him wwith the car.

Cheers      Jim

Hi Jim,

It’s my understanding that to have third party cover on other cars they generally have to be covered under a seperate policy. I.E. you could drive my car because I have a policy covering it, your insurance would cover third party liability also never having seen the documents I am not sure if it has an MOT.


However, someone from Northampton has kindly offered to tow it to Robbie, so that part should all be sorted now.

Just for information, many policies (mine included) cover the policy holder to drive ANY car, under TPFT terms - as long as the car is taxed and MOT’d… i.e. road legal.  So tax and MOT it and many peeps could drive it - but you’ve got it sorted so too late.  Sorry

But the car wouldn’t get tax if it doesn’t have a valid insurance certificate.

When can I expect to recieve this car Nick? When do you want it back by?

After days in the wilderness with this bloody forum, I return.

Robbie, all I know from Mick is that the car was coming to you at EMG. I don’t need it back. At some point it is to go to Mazmania in Cheshire for a new hood and things like that. I don’t know what it is that you are expected to do to it even.

Again, someone has offered to trailer it to you, but I believe Mick is coordinating that.



I will call you both tomorrow to try and bring this to a close… ie get it from Nick’s to EMG and then up north

The car will be at EMG in the morning, Wednesday 18th

OK.Give the trailer guy my mobile number please. Ask him to call me when he arrives.

It move on a bit!