Henry Street Meet Sun21July-Record-Maybe?

Great meet at Henry Streets this morning and big welcome to the newbies.
With so much activity I could not get a good count but 27 I believe.
Nice to see everyone and good weather for a good “snack and chat” and free cake !


My first time here and I got there for 10am thinking I’d be an early arrival, only to find 25 cars already parked up and everybody in the cafe!
That gives me an idea of the kind of people I’m dealing with…. :face_with_monocle:
Anyway, after a quick bite it was back outside to ogle the cars.
One of the first fellas I chatted to came from the other side of my town, which was nice.
I mentioned a few things I’d spotted about MXs generally and mine in particular and he started edging away… I think I heard him say he was going to get his anorak… or something.
As it happened, I later followed him out of the car park but at the A30 he went straight across while I turned left, thinking I’d see if Fleet Bends was clear.
I’d only got a few bends in when the same colour MX came tonking round the corner in the opposite direction! He obviously thought he’d tackle them from the other end.
Made me chuckle and set me up for the day :sunglasses:
Thanks tor some lively and informative conversations.
If you’re not careful I’ll be back….

Once I went to the right garden centre and told another lost soul ( Hi Tim ) I knew where we were going, when we met near Aldermaston (oops) all was good, if a little late . :slight_smile:
Was a good run out after Castle Coombe on the Saturday. Cars had a good weekend of use !

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