Hood drains

Anyone know where the hood drains are on a mk1 and what the top drain aperture looks like? I saw a photo of some, with a method of keeping them clear but can see nothing that looks anything like those on my car.

Plenty in the FAQ


Have you tried a search?

They are on the deck behind the top of the seat belts. They will be under the carpet.  There is a well and the drain holes are at the front of the well.

without the hood and carpet in the way

Thanks guys, under the carpet and the photo’s very useful. Too late to save the rear sills I’m afraid but at least I know where they are in future. One of the wells even had a worm in residence and both provided useful compost for the garden. I fed a length of 10mm plastic tubing down the drains and successfully pushed even more compost through onto the garage floor! Once again many thanks, it’s great to have such a well of info at ones finger tips.

I look at the drive underneath my car when it starts to rain. if the hood drains are clear there is an obvious wet patch underneath the car where the drains exit. This is about 6" inside the damp patch from where the sills drip.

Or indeed don’t wait for it to rain - put the hood up and pour a jug of water onto it!

With the hood on, these drain holes are not easy to spot ,or get at , you need to pull the flap of carpet up , i had to undo one screw over the carpet with a large plastic grommet under it , there is a tray that the water collects in and drains through a hole in that , strangely i googled "drain holes on mazda mk1 " and a link to this site came up which helped me clear them today . i had been meaning to do this job but realised i HAD to when i discovered soaking wet carpet behind the drivers seat , nowhere else , i found incredibly what looked like it once was an olde polishing cloth that had disintegrated into a mud like mush ,IN THE TRAY ! some of which had plugged the hole , heavy rain for 4 days ,flood . i poked curtain net wire from under the car as it was easier , you can feel /see a rubber hose half inch diameter just in front of rear wheel , i could feel the one way flap too . afterwards i tested by pouring a bottle of water directly into the plastic roof tray and out it came at the bottom . Just to be sure i looked under the car , phew , no holes or rust there at all , lifted the carpet , mint condition , hopefully , job done .