(Hopefully) New Mazda MX 5 Owner

Hi all,

I’m in a bit of an odd situation really, but I decided to post this introductory message anyway. I’m just finishing University - awaiting my degree results as of this coming week (30th July - 3rd August) - and if I manage to get a ‘pass’ I’m going to purchase myself an MX 5 with the finance made availible to me curtosy of a course begining in September. Sadly, if I don’t get the results I’m after, this’ll be both my first and last post, as I’ll have to wait another year before I’m able to arrive in this position again, so as you can imagine - it’s a very tense time!

I’ve had my eye on a couple of MX 5s, and have been reading some of the popular messages regarding what, and what not, to look for in a potential buy. So far, it’s proved very helpful. Especially the information about rust with regards to sills and rear wheel arches. Regretfully I’m not entirely familiar with mechanics, yet I hope that with owning my first car I’ll become more competent and enjoy tinkering about and learning as I go along.

I thought that if, hopefully, everything goes well, it’s better to introduce myself to the community of MX 5 owners sooner rather than later, and get immersed in activities in my local region.

So, a bit of information about myself: I’m a 22 year old guy (looking through insurance websites is rather entertaining Dancing), finishing university, and having never owned a car and always nursing a slight soft spot for MX 5s, I decided to have a little venture out into the world of (potential) car ownership. I’ve got a couple of cars that’ve interested me, so hopefully come next week I’ll be able to post a picture of the new (old) car.

Hope this introduction hasn’t been too long, 


G’day mate Welcome to the forum–

Just signed in for the first of many visits? Please pop the year and model of your MX5 in your sig [when it arrives at the front doorWink]. This helps enormously when we try to answer questions…

Forum Technical Index

MX5 for a first car, great choice, hope the exam results go well for you

greetings Chris       Waving

fingers will be crossed for your results, however, the fact that you are making these plans suggest that you are pretty confident.

we await your next post with bated breath…Geek

WavingHi Chris & welcome, hope all the results are exactly as you want, look forward to the next installment 

Chris, good for you.

Whn I was your age I bought a Chrysler Alpine (anyone remember them ?) which had terrible rust problems. These days MOT testers are a bit tougher on rust I think!

My advice to you - if you can bring along someone who knows cars when you’re buying. Maybe your dad?

Check all fluid levels, and dip the oil - it should be clear.

Start the car up FROM COLD - be a tad suspicious of the owner has warmed the engine up. Does it fire first time, are there any big rattles when it starts?

Take it for a run and make sure to operate every gear - ie get it out onto a fast road. Does the steering wheel stay straight? Does it wander if you loosen off your grip on the wheel?

When returned from test drive let the car cool a bit and pop the bonnet. Take the oil filler cap off - if there is any white ‘mousse’ in there be very suspicious. Again check all fluid levels.

Get under the car with a powerful torch and a magnet. OK, difficult to get under an MX5 properly but be prepared to lie down in the street and get your head in there. Anything dodgy have a poke at it.





Hi Chris

Welcome to the forum Waving
I hope we don’t have to wait another year before you’re back
As already said, we await with baited breath
Blimey! We’ll wear the carpet out as we pace up and down waiting on your results like an expectant dad [even us girls]

Anyway, fingers crossed, i hope you get what you eed so you buy what you want Thumbs up

Hi Chris,

If you like the idea of owning a 5 but have not yet bought one why not look up your local owners club region (under areas) and go along to there next meeting. Most groups have a montly meet where you could see a selection of differant cars, speak to some owners, maybe even find an experianced owner who could veiw cars with you.


Best of luck.





Well then!

What an eventful past week or so. I thought I was getting the results to my degree last week, ending the 3rd of August. Not so. I got one result on the 31st of July, and the other today. Man, Universities know how to keep you tense and on the edge of your seat. 

I passed the first module (the one I thought would be hardest), and then had to wait to (hopefully) pass the second module, the one I felt was easiest. Oddly enough, my results didn’t reflect that! I did better in my ‘worst’ and did worse in my ‘best’ subject, odd, huh? Anyway, after passing the module I felt I was worst at, I began searching, and eventually bought this beauty…

I’m pretty pleased for myself - degree in the bad, and new (old) car on the road! Clapping hands in the air

Nice looking 5 there Chris. Bet it was worth the wait Clapping hands in the air

Clapping hands in the air

 Hi Chris,

Well done on the car and the degree. You’re located within a very active Area of the MX5 Owners Club and we have a couple of pub meets each month where you can chat to fellow owners and get hands on advice on the car. Details are within the Area section of the forum here


Well done, Chris and well done re the car Thumbs up

What are the tyres? they have a winter look about them

Sorry - I just went away for the weekend in the new car camping, took it into Derbyshire, near Bakewell. Some of the roads around there are sensational to drive down.

Time for my second apology - I’ve got no idea whether the tyres are winter tyres, summer or just bog standard run of the mill. I’m a bit shattered now, we’ve began unpacking, but I’ll take a look at the branding on them tomorrow.