How do I Quote like this? Help please

See image below, how do I add quotes from previous posts like the section from ‘JollyHike’ below i.e. so the quote comes up in a grey box section like the image below?

It must be easy but I can’t seem to work it out.



It is called a ‘Blockquote’ and can be done by putting '> ’ at the start of each line

Like this

When writing a response you should also be able to select the " icon to add the formatting automatically

And if you highlight the text you want to quote in a previous response it usually come up wit a prompt to ‘"Quote’ which will start a new response with that text quoted this this…

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Grrrr … my Android keyboard doesn’t have ‘less than, greater than’ symbols, I’ll sort that and try agaain later.

Thanks for your help.



I’ve got it now, I tried ‘Quote’ before but could’t have done it properly.

All sorted and well again now.



Aha, I’ve found another way too if this works i.e.

Before hitting reply highlight the post text then hit reply, it opens the new reply then with the quote on the top.


Hi Roy
Good to meet you yesterday at the Squire and Horse.
I am glad you have got an answer to your forum query!
Kind regards - Paul

Hi Paul,

It was good to be amongst you all yesterday following the no meeting gap caused by Covid.

My quotation issue is like everthing else… ‘easy when you know how’.

See you again soon.


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