I can’t seem to do this, even putting in a double return ends up with all the lines blocked together.
like this…
look no empty line…
and this…
How do I get line breaks / empty lines to appear?
I can’t seem to do this, even putting in a double return ends up with all the lines blocked together.
like this…
look no empty line…
and this…
How do I get line breaks / empty lines to appear?
I just press enter. I get some funky wysiwyg interface when composing messages - don’t you?
You could try
if you have a plain compose box thing ?
Which browser are you using?
I’m using Opera. Lets try those tag things…
Testing testing
testing again
Yep, those tags seem to both work, but just pressing enter doesn’t.
In your profile go to site options, and change the content editior to standard or enhanced.
Opera may not work properly - whenever I’ve used it there are quite a few sites that don’t give full functionality (and most of the time you don’t even notice).
<edit - nope >
I’ve got the same prob on Firefox 1.0.7
No paragraph breaks…like here…
just one block of text…and here…
Reply is just a plain text box
No smilies:(
This time the proper reply box appeared.[8-)]
The br/ works in the plain box but it’s sucha pain.[8o|]
Upgrade to firefox 3.0.4 then you lazy monkey
Emoticons? I have no problems
I get the same problem.
But I’ve found I get breaks if I use Reply.
If I use Quick Reply it shows up as one block of words.
I’m using Firefox 3.
This is a reply using quick reply and firefox 3. (return)
Just to see if the line breaks work.(return)
double return
EDIT: yup, works for me.
I’m using IE7 and it comes and goes sometimes I get the edit bar and sometimes I get line breaks and sometimes I get neither.
lets see what hapens today.
Lets see what happens today.