How is this so tiny?

  1. My model of MX-5 is: __ NC1
  2. I’m based near: __ Halifax
  3. I’m looking for technical help or recommendations on: __

So I know this is tiny and no one can fit anything in it. Is there anything bigger? Do you have any links?

There is one on ETSY but it comes from USA and £20 postage.

If you know anyone with a 3D printer, there are files available free to print your own.

What is it?

It is big enough for coins - and I believe that is it’s purpose.

Not sure you could fit anything bigger in because the centre console fixings are under it.

This is a Japanese car and they are known to be quite different chaps from us.
Coins? Under hard cornering the lack of a hard shoulder would have yer yen all over the show🙂
This reminds me of those Easter eggs that bored techs put into some consumer goods just for a bit of fun.
Good call by the OP. It only crossed my mind when removing the center console for other reasons.