How many 5's were at the National ?

Just wondered ? Big Smile 

 Well over 1000, but that’s been the norm now for the past three years Big Smile

Ken Stanbury.  Northampton Area Coordinator

That is impressive! 

How much money was raised on the the Tombola/Raffle ?


Thank’s Ken. Fantastic turn out Thumbs up 


A whopping £3340 Big SmileBig Smile   Many thanks to all who bought tickets Thumbs up

Hi Ken

are we likely to have an absolute figure ? - i have a bet on with a few other 5rs and we need to know to whom we will award the cyber laurelsBig Smile

 I’m afraid not, members were arriving from Friday and parking all over the place, so counting actual numbers proved to be an impossible task Sad

Ken Stanbury.  Northampton Area Coordinator

but you’d really like to tell us all that it was 975… wouldn’t ya? Wink


I think we can categorically confirm that at some point during the day it was indeed exactly 975… does that help.?.. in fact at two points during the day, in when people were arriving and one when they were leaving… Wink

Ken, do we not a a note from Billing of actual cars through the gate on Sunday ?  Someone told me they were counting with a clicker.  we can then add a few for the campers…

liking your thhinking, martin Thumbs upBig Smile

In that case all those involved in the bet win.

PS Love the new sig


:::nod::: and ty Big Smile Thumbs up


 I’ve just come back from Billing, where I was able to talk to a chap who was on the gate last Sunday; he told me that no, they didn’t count cars as they arrived.

However he did say (and I quote) that “there were ****ing hundreds of the b**tards” Big Smile

Ken Stanbury.  Northampton Area Coordinator

thats official then… love it… Thumbs up


Good to see we’re still impressing people…

Who say’s size matters? Whistling



I thought it was roughly around about approximately dead on 1000 there to be exact. I stuck all the pictures togeather so i know it was Wink

Would the number of goody bags handed out give us an indication of numbers?



I believe that was 1000. Looks like i won the bet Wink


 Sadly not, because goody bags were only handed out to those members who chose to collect them.  Non-members weren’t eligible for goody bags.

We did sign up 50 new members on the day however Big Smile

We know that there were at least 1000 MX5s though, so at least you won your bet, Roy Wink

Ken Stanbury.  Northampton Area Coordinator