How to add your names to Solent Area Drives and events

Hi Everyone,

As we are now well into the transition into using the MX5OC Calendar to provide full details for drives and events, as directed by the MX5OC. So, here are a few handy tips, in ten easy steps, to assist you in adding your names to the attendees list, going forward;

  1. Go to the main page of the MX5OC website Welcome to the MX-5 Owners Club - MX-5 Owners Club (

  2. LOGIN as you would normally do, in order to reply to any Solent Area forum post.

  3. On the R/H side of the front page, if you scroll down slightly you will see the calendar, wher it says “What’s on this week” If it’s not a future event but an imminent one the event should be in the list of dates in the column of events.

  4. Should it be for a future event, then scroll down to the bottom of the dates shown until you see the rectangular box that says “View Calendar”

  5. Click on this box and it will open up the month you are currently in , ie January 2024.

6… To change months, you can either scroll right by clicking on February and keep clicking unitl you reach the desired month or alternatively click on January 2024 and use the arrows either side of where is says January 2024 to toggle to future months.

  1. Then all you need to do is select the relevant date for the event and we always start the event by adding SOLENT AREA to each event, to enable you to spot it easily :wink:

  2. Once you click on the date you require the event should be clearly displayed with all the relevant details you need and if you scroll down towards the bottom of the page you will see 1 Comment and under this heading the list of Attendees for the event will be shown.

  3. To add your name to the list, you just need to clcik where it says (EDIT ) which is in brackets and blue beside the name of whoever created the Event.
    NB: If you cannot see the EDIT in Blue at this point, you are not logged into the MX5OC website and cannot add your name to the list of attendees!

  4. You will now see a window with names listed and all you need to do is scroll to the bottom of the list of names, which will already be populated with the maximum number of people we are allocated for each event and type your name next to the next available number.
    NB: Please ensure you don’t delete anyone already on the list, as that will make our life a bit more difficult :grin:

  5. Once you have sucessfully entered your name, click on the blue box on the R/H side of the page that says update and it will take you back to the published list of names and if done correctly, your name(s) should be in the list and available to view in the Calendar Post.

Best Regards

Team Solent

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Am I being thick or can you not add comments to diary posts if you’re using your phone?

Hi Max,

You can add diary comments using your phone but you have to be logged in. So, go to the menu and scroll down until you see LOGI and use the same login details as you would for the forum.

Any problems get back to me and I will add you.

Mal :wink: