How to remove upper shifter pivot ball bushing on nc2 6 speed

  1. My model of MX-5 is: MK3 nc2 6 speed
  2. I’m based near: Reading
  3. I’m looking for technical help or recommendations on: Shifter rebuild

I purchased a shifter rebuild kit but I can’t work out how to remove the old upper shifter pivot ball bushing and wave washer. Does anyone know how to remove it?

If it’s the black plastic limiter shift plate it unclips from that metal spring washer. On mine it just prised off easily.

Thanks for your reply. I got the shift plate off no problem as it uncliped, as you say, and it pulls up off the shifter. The upper pivot ball bushing and wave washer can’t go down past the ball or up over the shift stick. I’ll post another picture.

I’m trying to remove the upper shifter pivot ball bushing that has the wave washer attached to it. You can’t push it over the ball and I can’t take it the other way either. Some how it must be necessary to disassemble the shifter where the reverse spring is but I’m not quite sure how this is done and I don’t want to wrongly force anything. I can’t find anything online or in the workshop manual.

I notice in your first picture, the shaft (gear shifter) that sleeves over the lower part looks like it may have a retaining pin going through it.
Never had the need disassemble that part on my previous NC’s, I wonder if that pin drifts out for removing that piece.
Of course before you start trying to do that I’d wait for further advice, mines only guesswork.

I don’t see a retaining pin. Are you seeing the splodge of bluTack I put on the black part of the shifter to note the orientation of it :rofl:. Apparently, if you get the front to back the wrong way round, the gear knob doesn’t orientate itself properly when screwed down.

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From what I remember, it’s in there pretty tight. I ended up using a small punch and hammer to carefully tap it out from the inside.

Are you talking about using a punch & hammer to move one of the pins out the way in the turret so that the lower pivot ball bushing and wave washer can be replaced? If so, it did this bit already, and yes, the pin was tight but moved with a heafty blow with a large pin punch and hammer.

Go about 5 mins in to this video - does it help ?

False info by me then👎

I did watch this already. Unfortunately the video doesn’t help as it is not an NC model and it seems to be quite a different design. There are a few videos that i have warched but they are either on different models or they don’t change the upper pivot bush.

Yes, I can try this next time I’m passing. I purchased the parts from BOFI racing - I asked them on Friday but there wasn’t anyone there that knew the answer. I’ll try them again next week too.

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Thanks for this. I must admit I came across this too, but unfortunately it doesn’t help me to understand how to get the pivot bush off. I think the bottom half of the shifter must unscrew to free up the upper pivot bush and allow replacement of the reverse spring. I’ve tried unscrewing but it is either very tight or I’ve got that wrong. Obviously I don’t want to go mad and bust it altogether.

17-152 is a nylon guide that fits in to the side of the ball

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Thanks for your thoughts here. 17-152 is what the pins in the turret locate into,.so the gear stick pivots on these. I have replaced them with the new ones.

I afraid the the securing pin you are seeing must be my spoldge of bluTack to mark the rear of the gear stick.

Looking at the upper section it has a hex, which makes me think that this is for a spanner, so does the lower balled section not screw in to the upper section. Looking inside the large ball, there’s a decent, which could possibly be for a tool. ?.
Just a thought.

I’d be interested to know where BOFI got the part from because according to the parts diagram posted by @CBRDEANO it’s not available separately so probably not designed to be removed. The upper part of the gear lever is probably bonded on after the collar is fitted.

D Code 17-510 includes the washer, the plastic part and the gear lever plus all the others parts. The other parts with their own D Code are available separately.

It’s not actually a hex, it is what rubs against the shift cover and stops you from selecting reverse unless you push it down and under the shift cover. I did, however, try getting a spanner on it and the shifter in a vice. It didn’t want to move and I didn’t want to twist too much and bust it.

Interesting, maybe that is the answer. I spoke to BOFI and they upgraded an NC with this kit but didn’t change these two parts as they ran into the same problem as me. On the plus side, I changed the oil in the gear box with mystery oil, changed the lower ball bush for a brass one (also from duratecnc), sucked out the turret oil and replaced with new oil, changed all the other bits in the kit and greased with lithium grease. I’ve put it all back together and shifting is significantly smother.