I am alive…

Just a little hello… I am alive and appreciate all the messages that has been sent to me.
Just having a moment, and I got a new phone and I am unable to find the app, and couldn’t remember my log in.

But alas ! I am here and alive and well. Work is going well, still in training and surviving my loneliness at home.
Everyone is well.


Good to see you Amber. Glad you’re ok and thanks for checking in. It’s nice to have you back. :+1:

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Welcome back :+1:

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Nice to know you are alive and well

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I was wondering how you were only this morning when I saw your ‘Birthday’ thread had some more activity.
Great that you’re ok and still around.

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Yes I saw that had a lot more comments…. Been while now since my bday and had long forgotten the pain of it :joy::sweat_smile:

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Welcome back :grinning:

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Hey Amber…! Great to hear from you and that you are doing OK :smiley:


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Thanks guys :relaxed:
So out of curiosity. What happened to the app ?

Pretty sure there was never an app :man_shrugging: :joy:
But you can add a website as a bookmark on your phone which then makes it appear like an app :smiley:

As mentioned by Ian P above there is an option to run the forum as a ‘chrome native app’ (I don’t know if this works on Apple iDevices), see the thread linked below.

This is some weird Mandela effect man. I could have sworn there was an app !!

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