I love a List ♥️ who else?

Hi, every car i ever buy like many we cherish especially our Mx5 :heart: This is my list of work i have done on my Merlot Ducky only had him since 21st September 2024 already Serviced :pray:


I have never been the most organised person in the world and still keep lists in my increasingly unreliable head, bit of a nightmare when trying to acquire a complete new OEM suspension down to the last nut, bolt and washer over a two year period for an NBFL :wink:


I’ll admit that I do love a good list. I prefer to use Excel, (other spreadsheet apps are available) as it makes formatting easier, and using borders means that I have a literal box to tick, and I can also have a column for dates.

That’s just my opinion though. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have Excel on work laptop may use that as i put all my service dates on files any parts bought all receipts etc have done this with all my cars over the years been lucky all my cars sold in a week i am not selling this beauty my 3rd 5 and hope last God willing :pray:

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