I-pad to PC resetting help

My mums in a nursing home and has an Ipad. I hate the things. Regularly, it seems she enters the password wrongly, and the thing locks up.

Last time I was able to reset it with my Windows laptop and a copy of Itunes. Yes, it wipes the ipad, but I have most of her photos backed up.

Now I can’t get my laptop to recognise the Ipad. Itunes is fully upto date. I’ve tried multiple (clone) lightning cables. The Ipad is fully charged. Can anyone help?

Ipads after 10 password attempts just lock up, If it were up to me, I would have just gotten a cheap Android tablet.

On the PC,go to a webpage,
Have you tried https:// iCloud.com where you enter the Apple ID, you might be able to get a “forgotten password “ link on there.
Do you have a secondary email reset?

No secondary email and its completely bricked. Just a “ipad not available”. No option to enter anything even if I had a password. It does detect being plugged in, but neither PC USB can charge it.

Later iPads need a higher charge wattage so maybe that’s why the PC won’t charge it but if you are locked out then you could try Apple in MK….
Apple is fierce about protecting passwords etc so might be a fruitless task

Been a while since I did this, so had to look up the instructions.
You first have to put your ipad into recovery mode (just shutting it down and/or plugging it into the computer won’t allow/detect a reset request) as outlined here:

Thats it. I did this before, but had forgotten. Now Apple Devices works, but ITunes doesn’t. Not sure why Apple makes it so difficult. 30 years ago, I had an Apple Mac (LCII, in theory I still have it some place).


If/when you get it sorted just skip the add password scenario.
End of problem.

Do you mean you’re still unable to reset it because iTunes doesn’t work?

Have to admit, I’m terrified of the process of resetting through iTunes incase it all goes wrong and leaves me with a bricked device, especially when it’s so pernickity about using cheap, non-Apple cables like I do :smiley:

Apple device sees the device, but not I-Tunes. But it took 10 reconnects to get the firmware and software updated.

End of a problem that needn’t exist.

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