ignition switch wiring

 i’ve got a problem with my ignition switch. there was an attempt to steal my car this week. the perp(s) sliced into the roof and then pulled out all the ignition switch wires, but didn’t get it started. my insurance company want to write the car off but the damage, i think is more than repairable. in the process they broke the connectors, which i know i can replace or even rig up a loom to replace the connectors. my problem is i don’t know what wire goes where! all i need is a good picture of the connectors in place and then i can re-connect the switch or design the replacement loom. i’ve surfed the web, and bought a manual but nothing is really helping me. if it helps, i have a MK1 1990 which has been imported.

 many thanks if anyone can help

if you don’t get any joy I will take a pic on Sunday for you.

Is this any help?

B/L - W - B/R
B/W - W - L

Imagine the connector locking tag is above the top WHITE wire, as viewed from the back of the connector (the side the wires go in).

B = Black
L = Blue
W = White
R = Red

excellent mate thanks. i’ve found a random pic which might help and i’ve managed to put together a loom to bridge the wires and replace the connection blocks… let you know how it goes!

thats great Robbie, that confirms how i worked it out, many thanks.

i’m back up and running! thanks for the sound advice.


This post is exactly what I need to know on my car, the only thing i’m unsure on are the white wires that go to B1+2. Does it matter which way round they go? On my car one is plain and the other has some japanese writing on it.

Robbies post says to put a white wire in both b1 and b2 but doesn’t mention which one.

Can someone please confirm which way around they go or whether it can go either way around?



ps, I promise I’m not trying to steal a car

Both of the white wires come off the 80 Amp main fuse, it doesn’t matter which one goes where.