Hi everyone does anyone know where the best place to get insured on my mx5 would be I have a MK1 eunos roadster with no air bags imported from Japan and I can’t seem to find any quotes for it due to my age (19) anyone have any suggestions where they may do it cheaper ?
I’m not sure if you’ll easily find ‘cheaper’ judging by the recent news about car insurance for young drivers, but I’d definitely try the clubs new insurance company, also other classic car insurers such as Footman James, Adrian Flux etc.
Probably best to try the specialists like Howden, Adrian flux etc but that sounds like quite a tall order for a 19 year old. Even if you do get a quote I doubt it will be reasonable, especially at the moment with premiums being all over the place.
Good luck with it though .
Have a look here MX-5 Owners Club Insurance launches - MX-5 Owners Club (mx5oc.co.uk)
As you are a paid up member they may be able to help but I fear it will not be cheap. Don’t for get to add an experienced driver like a parent who has a clean record as an additional driver.
Thank you I will have ago but I had a look at Adrian flux but due to me wanting to pay it monthly there were asking for overall 4.1 which is alot for me due to trying to insure my daily car aswell but thank you I will have a look at the others!
I will have a look at mx5 insurance due to me being a full member and see what the price is hopefully it a abit cheaper but I know I’m asking alot due to me being a young driver and what has happened with insurance recently
Will try Howden and see what they say thank you !
please give the Club’s new scheme a go. Part of the reason for setting it up was to help young drivers. There may be reasons it won’t work for you, but we need feedback on that if its the case, so we can review the scheme as it settles in…
have a read of the article in the current edition of the Magazine also for some background on the new MX-5 Owners Club Insurance scheme
Please feel free to give us a try for insurance if you haven’t done so already.
have you tried different comparison sites and maybe direct line places like uswitch, gocompare, compare the market and the such im guessin you have if not maybe classic insurance as it’s a mk1
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