Evening all
I have finally got round to posting and taking some half reasonable pics of my MX-5.
2020 R-Sport which i took delivery of last week and like any proud dad gave her its first bath.
Looking forward to sunny and warmer days and getting to club meets etc.
Welcome along, lovely car!
Lovely car, I have the same model. Seeing yours looking like that makes me think mine definitely needs a clean . My first one was in soul red crystal, lovely colour, but with this one I feel I’m more under the radar which I now prefer. I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun.
Just obey the rules and enjoy , sun’s out roofs down lol.
Welcome aboard Hoops.
She gleams!
Enjoy your new baby.
Welcome! Try it out in less than sunny weather. A cheap Puffa jacket and the controls set to the heart of the sun and you may find it’s a hoot whatever the weather.
I’ve had a couple of short trips with the roof down, great feeling
Love the colour, wheels really set it off as well! Enjoy!
That looks great - I’d totally forgotten about the R-Sport and the wheels really suit it. Oddly I never particularly liked them on the 30AE (I assume they’re the same) but now I’ve seen them against a different colour I realise they’re a rather nice design. Enjoy