James Lovelock RIP

The greatest living British scientist (I’d rate him above Hawking) passed away on his 103rd birthday.

He was almost a mentor to me. My PhD thesis essentially concerned demonstrating the missing link in his CLAW hypothesis of global climate control. I moved in those same circles.

Starts out as a doctor, gets into cryogenics, or more specifically, why ts was possible to revive a frozen hamster in a microwave, but not a mouse. While studying what was different about hamster fat, he invents the electron capture detector. Mind blown; without that, climate science as we know it, and probably environmentalism simply wouldn’t exist/ We would be less aware of our surroundings, and probably our future.

He goes on to a career with NASA, comes up with the Gaia hypothesis (much misunderstood). Quite a life. and a maverick to the end. He thought we are doomed, and AI will kill us off eventually.

CLAW, like the best ideas, was very simple


My contribution


There’s a fascinating interview with him from last year on YouTube HERE on Tom Scott’s channel. It’s more about reanimating frozen hamsters than Gaia but his wit and wisdom shines through. The actual interview starts a bit after 5:30.

Is There a Link Between MX5 Ownership & Connection to a Maverick :saluting_face: I Wonder :thinking:

You Are Not the First Member I’ve Noticed with such History :smiley:

[Departmental Maverick selected me back in the day much to Shock Horror of the Traditionalists to assist in his research. I’ve got a copy of a Paper somewhere where I’m thanked for my work on the Pilot Study] :upside_down_face:

But What I’d Really Like to Know…How Did He Make It to 103 yrs :saluting_face

[However, I Still Shudder at All the Unnecessary Research that Was Carried Out Using Animals…Dreadful Reading…so That is a :-1: from Me]

Just to Qualify…Key Word is ‘UNNECCESARY’

Different Field to Poster…[Experimental Psychology]

Numerous Studies Carried Out in the Past Were Not Subject to the Scrutiny that Applies Today

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