Keys locked in boot Aug 24

I’ve locked my keys in the boot how do I get in


You need to give us all a clue-----there are 4 marks to chose from.



You’ve gotta be stressed but Mad_Malc correct

Which MX-5 do you have ??

Last time I did this with my NBFL I resorted to calling my now ex-gf out for a 20 mile round trip with the spare key at a really unsociable hour when she had a streaming cold. Some time later she dumped me for unrelated reasons, her daughter did not approve, and told me to keep the NBFL which she bought !


Been there, done that with my first NC. Missus had to come to the rescue with the spare key.

To make sure it didn’t happen again, I had a spare key cut (just the metal bit - no transponder, no fob) and put it in a waterproof plastic pouch with several strong magnets and attached it to the rear underbody. This means I can retrieve it and stick the key in the boot release lock on the back panel if it happens again.


If you’re daft enough to put your key in a Farady bag and then somehow lock it in the boot at a motorway services , far from home , it’ll cost you 200 quid to get it sorted by the RAC’s lock guy . This happened to a …ummm… .close friend .


So whilst we are waiting for Kenny1 to advise us which MX-5 he has

We seem to be sharing when we’ve experienced similar…

I’m grateful to littleredrooster for reminding me that I only have one key for Bullit [spare got lost in the post …literally] and how he had a further (?) spare cut that didn’t involve transponder/fob etc

Advise Please

Meanwhile sharing similar embarrassing moments

1978-81: female police officer…left key in ignition and locked drivers door via handle in Panda Car [Mark II Escort] to rush to domestic violence incident…resolved …only officer to attend…but got back to vehicle…Oh *****
So radio call for help to ‘Mick the Key’ [Experienced male officer who had spare keys for most known vehicles at that and known for accessing 98% of all cars]

But whilst I was waiting [embarrassing enough to call for ‘Mick the Key’]…I noticed that the Passenger Side was unlocked …So Double Embarrassment !!

‘Mick the Key’ then taught me how to access some vehicles [back in the day when the door button was above the door card] with a stiff cheque book cover and a strip of stiff parcel tape

And I recall being off duty and going to the aid of a female driver who’d locked her key in the ignition whilst filling up with petrol and I got her in via ‘Mick the Key’ method

So…avoid Stereotyping what females carry in their handbags back in the olden days :crazy_face:

This method didn’t help me when locked myself out of Mark IV Escort in York car park in early 90s

Fortunately rang my mechanic [before mobile phones] and he sent guy with long ‘straight blade figmebob’ to jiggle the lock
…from memory only £25…back in the olden days

It’s great that modern tech etc keeping our vehicles safe from thieves etc

But I’ve probably lost the plot …

What happens when a ‘numpty’ owner tries to break in to our own vehicles ???

And also thieves etc can be reading these posts

So maybe ‘don’t answer on a postcard’ solutions but via PMs system

Hope u get access soon Kenny1


Whatever happened to blue nylon parcel tape :thinking: A great way to get into any of the pre 1982 Volvo models when I was working for a Volvo dealer back in the day :wink:

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Yep…now you come to mention it :thinking:

I kept my blue nylon parcel tape for some years post police on the off chance I could assist a distressed motorist until they started putting the door button below the card and also when I think about it they stopped doing hard covers for cheque books too…don’t know whether it related

I think it’s true to say that as vehicle manufacturers adapt to anti-theft methods so do the thieves and nowadays it seems about hacking the modern tech in vehicles and cloning and identity theft etc

So whilst I admire all the ‘bells and whistles’ on the new NDs and think they very handsome looking beasties

I’m kinda relieved that NB Bullit hasn’t got that level of tech

I mean protecting the smart phone and laptop which most of us have to do as everything goes on-line is not cheap…as is the purchase of these items

Then it all goes to pot e.g. recent outage and I was unable to order essential meds for a few days

I can see the advantages of modern tech/AI etc…so clever !

But sometimes I think us humans get too clever for our own good !!

Kenny1…Are You Back In Yet ??


I sent Kenny a private message and there has been ‘no reply’ so I wonder if he is now locked in his boot along with his keys.
Strange how someone puts a hand out for some assistance and then can not be a___d to respond, never mind, no one died, unless!!!

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In the absence of any further input from the OP we’ll assume the problem is resolved and close this now.