Koken sockets

Has anyone here got some Koken sockets ?
i was wondering what the general consensus was, before i make a purchase.

Can’t speak for koken but I’ve had a halfords professional set for almost 20 years now and if I’ve ever broken anything (mainly 3/8 torx and allen sockets) I just take it in and it gets swapped for brand new no questions. Not the greatest brand name ever but good solid quality and with after sales like that I’ve never needed anything else. Still going strong now.

I’ve got a few Koken tools which I used professionally for a good few years, I have no complaints about them. I have a 1/4” drive Koken ratchet which I think is great.

Another happy halfords kit owner. Only one broken since ownership and no questions asked on replacement. However they wont replace the case when the hinge breaks :unamused:

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Same here. You can buy new cases but they’ve changed them over the years and it doesn’t all fit in. Or fit hinges to yours…

Koken are nice tools but I don’t think there’s anything like enough there to justify the price . The nut grip sockets are nice for working in those super awkward areas but they’re also (for me anyway) a wee bit annoying when you’re not making full use of it. (and it’s nothing you can’t do with a dab of grease of course) The everday tools just feel expensive.

I like nice tools and used to have a real Teng fetish… Bahco are a nice balance, they do well thought out kits and the finish is nice, they stay grippy even when absolutely manky. But actually I just realised I’ve almost entirely used cheapo Katsu and US Pro impact sockets recently, the whole MX5 engine swap and derust/resto was done with these as they’re my “toolbag tools”- they’re still perfectly good for 1/2 inch use, and cheap enough that I’m happy to bash them around, leave them in the rain, use them in the press for bushings and such… Good enough to use, cheap enough to abuse :wink: