Lazy seat belt modification

I think I know what a lot of us will be tryign in the next few days/weekends - Many Thanks Dickie Dover :wink:

Ā Spot on mate both belts fly back now.

Anyone wishing to shave a mm from the plastic guide, but scared to put a stanley blade anywhere near the seatbelt.

The plastic guide will unclip.


Along the front edge where we can see the 2 x rectangular holes, insert a flat blade screwdriver under the plastic (bewteen the plastic and metal hoop) and twist.

Do both sides.

When the front edge has popped out, slide the plastic guide rearwards to free from the rear tabs.

Refitting is the opposite.

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Great thanks for the video, mine is painfully slow and need to do this mod asap


Sorry for resurrecting an old thread.

Iā€™m trying to do the seat bed mod but the photo in the first post is no longer showing and Iā€™m unsure which bit Iā€™m supposed to cut away.

Can anyone help?



Just watch the Facebook video on the postĀ  lower down shows clearly which parts

Unfortunately FB want you to sign in to view the video, I dumped FB last year due to excess spam etc etc.

Anyone know of a way to view the video without logging into the Evil Empire?





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I will give this a try.
So far I have washed the belts and they were filthy.
Then I sprayed them with silicone.
They are a lot better but I think I have seen now what I need to do.

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Hi does anyone have a new link to the video? The one above doesnā€™t work.Ā  I have this problem and would love an easy solution.

Yes me too ! I cannot access the video ?Ā 


With the MOT coming up and the seat belt getting slower to retract I have finally got around to trying to improve matters. Firstly tried cleaning the belt with soapy water, a slight but not a major improvement.

Then remembered this post and set about removing the body trim covering the seat belt hoop and hitting the hoop down at each corner with a hammer and block of wood. Success and after a quick spray of the belt and hoop slot with Autoglym Vinyl and Rubber Cleaner the belt fully retracts easily.


The video link no longer works, is anyone able to supply a working one please?

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I too cannot see the video and am slightly confused at what part to cut or modify :+1::+1:

this worked this morningā€¦

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I must be being thick here. Iā€™m still unsure Exactly where to trim.

I canā€™t get sound on the video which isnā€™t helping.

I see the fella removing the plastic moulding and pointing but then demonstrated how well the belt moves so Iā€™m assuming heā€™s already cut something away ?


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??? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

The sound is muted by default. Put your mouse over the video and you will see the speaker symbol with a x next to it. You need to unmute it.

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Iā€™ve tried without success to work out exactly the part I need to cut or remove, I can see in the video the person pointing at what appears to be the already modified area.

Sorry for being thick here but Iā€™m just not getting it. I would rather appear thick than destroy something.

So if anyone can indicate exactly what I should be cutting trimming or removing I would be grateful.
