LITTLE RED MK 2.5 .. the story so far!

WHAT !!! :astonished: :astonished:
says so on my sticker robbie :laughing: :rofl: :rofl:

Yup, don’t think it’s anything ‘Special’ - there is nothing listed under the Special Edition heading.

That said, NBs in this condition should constitute some kind of SE, :sweat_smile:.


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out for a little ride today ,


heres the repairs to chassis legs ,



little mk2 has passed MOT :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Only thing i’m not happy about …

tester said, " oh , n/s headlight is a bit low , i’ll adjust it for you " .
i thought , great !!! , good service :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

only to check mot certificate and he’d failed it ( for light ) , then passed it straight away :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

when i questioned him , he said it was to keep his pass/ fail figures in the green zone for " good garage scheme "… WTF :rage: :rage: :rage:

Now showing its first ever FAIL on MOT website … AAAAAARRRRRHHHHHH!!!


That’s not good Geoff, so someone has to suffer 'cos the books need to balance? I bet theres a lot that aren’t half as well prepared as your car was, let them have the grief! Oh well, another year out of the way mate​:+1::+1:

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re MOT yesterday ,
i was talking to one of the lads at work about what the tester had done ( still :rage: )
and he told me , that he took his motorbike in for its MOT , asked them to fit a new rear tyre and MOT the bike .

guess what , it FAILED the MOT (on rear tyre )
they then fitted the tyre and PASSED IT
and they gave him a similar explanation :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

why do we all have targets to hit ???
if a vehicle is good / road worthy then it should pass
( rant over :zipper_mouth_face: :zipper_mouth_face:)


I had that with my latest service and MOT at a Mazda Dealer, having said it will needs tyres, and pads they failed it then did the work to pass it, it was the first MOT for the car too!


well i got some tinker time today , :smiley:
and some people have mentioned that the intake was letting down the under bonnet look of my 5 … ( thanks Barrie , :laughing: :laughing: :rofl: :rofl: )

anyways i sorted that this morning ,

from this ,

to this ,

thanks for looking !!!


That’s better Geoff! :nerd_face::nerd_face: looking really nice under the bonnet. I do miss my mk1’s where parts could be given the ‘treatment’ unlike the sea of black plastic on my NC2 :woozy_face:

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Cheers Barrie , I aim to please :laughing:
I hope you make good use of your new garden bar today it’s going to be glorious weather :partying_face::partying_face::tumbler_glass::tumbler_glass::beer::beer::beers::beers:

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on a ride out the other day it felt warm around the gear gaiter so i thought it was worth checking :thinking:

both upper and lower gaiters are a little worn :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
new parts ordered :money_mouth_face:


still waiting for my gaiters arriving , local royal mail has been closed down due to covid19 :grimacing: :grimacing:, hopefully delivering again from monday :confused:

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Hiya Geoff, will be worth waiting for I reckon? You’re getting through plenty of fettling on the new car and as usual, it will be very nice when finished :+1:
Cosmetic, structural, mechanical, servicing etc all worth doing and cars looking great! To top it off, a fantastic garage/workshop to do it all in :+1: What’s not to like? Long may it continue.

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Cheers Barrie,
We’ll have a ride out soon :red_car::red_car:
A local group are heading to Tan Hill pub in 2 weeks if ya fancy it :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:

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I’m waiting on a pair of speakers, they are stuck in Nottingham ATM so the tracking info says. That delivery office the roof caved in the week before last with the torrential rain, they sent everyone home. Still not fully operational I should have had a 24 hour guaranteed delivery, order placed last Wednesday, all good fun.:grin:


Might do that Geoff :thinking: saw it on that Wakefield group thing on FB.:grinning:

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picked up this today S/H off F/B :+1:

gave it a quick fettle to see how it would clean up ,

looks like it will clean up nicely , do it again before i fit it :ok_hand:


exhaust on , bit deeper tone but not much louder than std , will see how it goes !!


OMG! Look at the state of that floor!