Love at First Sight! New MX5 fan in North Cotswolds

I had no intention to buy another car but spotted a 06 NC 2.0L in lovely condition for not much money. Took it for a test drive and was immediately hooked. Liked it so much that I convinced myself that the noises from the engine could be top end and I might fix it myself. I couldn’t resist it. Needless to say the engine was finished after 110k. The car was too good to break so I took the plunge and found a 24k engine seven years younger than the car. I am delighted with the result and have never enjoyed a car as much before. Looking forward to club events and getting to meet more MX5 nuts and at 71 hoping I can still get in and out of the car for a some years to come!

Happy Posting!
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Welcome to the forum fella. Lovely looking in blue. Enjoy your many smiles per miles :wink:

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Welcome and congratulations for keeping another one on the road :clap:t3:

Enjoy every mile with a smile :checkered_flag:



It’s not usually the mileage that does them in, I think my son’s is at 130k. They reportedly don’t like being low on oil, and the original dipsticks on those are said not to be easy to read properly. Keep an eye on the oil level.

Well done for fixing it.

Congrats on saving your car, remember to check the oil regularly and you should be good for many smiles per mile :sunglasses: :+1:

Looks like a Winner…:trophy:

Enjoy the car.

Brill Job Andy777 :handshake:

Aged 71 yrs you won’t be alone here in the Club

And us more mature folk have shared ways we ‘get in and out’ of our MX-5s

You are most welcome…especially for keeping another 5 on the road :heart:

Great colour!

Thanks Chris, Winning Blue got me!

Thanks for the welcome Steve. Loving it already.

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Thanks Art, will do.

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Thanks Theo, enjoying it for sure!

Thanks for the message. Will call you when I can’t get out!

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It was the Winning Blue that got my attention but I just loce the way it drives. Thanks for the comment.