Lupin Farm Transport & Car Show August 20th

Continuing the discussion from Lupin Farm Classic Transport Show. 2023:

Derek W raised this event earlier in the year. As he is away himself on an MX weekend I have picked up the baton to arrange of pre-event meet up.
I’m still attempting to ensure the show is going ahead as contact with event organisers still ongoing.
A plan B is in place if it doesn’t go ahead, but a new meet point would be posted (if necessary)
Watch for any updates over the next 2 weeks, also its not too late to join us for what has been a great little show. Just post on FB or on forum and I will pop you on the list.:wink:

Looking to meet up at The Plant Pot garden centre Lichfield WS13 8JA- 8:30-9:00 am.
For those who have not been before, Lupin show has food & drinks on site & WC.
Suggestion-to bring camping chairs & picnics, & comfy shoes as site is a field. Sun lotion or a hat, not that it will be needed but a waterproof jacket is always useful.

On the list to attend are-
Keith & Elaine
Wayne & Pat
Dave & Jane
Mark & Fiona
Paul & Tracy
Neil & Lisa-maybe
Graham & Sue-maybe
Markus & Samantha
John S

Hi Yes please include Markus and Samantha

Hi Markus & Samantha, I will put you on the list to go. Great to have you join in.

Keep an eye out for updates.
