Madge the odyssey continued


Just realised 6 years and 60k have flown by since Madge came into my life with 64k on the clock…

On tour with the Bristol Pegasus Motor Club 2019.

Between lockdowns in 2020 Madge covered John O’Groats to Lands End in a liesurely 16 hours and then after fish and chips managed another 200 miles back to Bristol to make it 1,000 miles in 22 hours, roof down all the way of course.

88,888 miles on the clock came up just as she was crossing Brunels Clifton suspension bridge in 2021.

By 2022 Madge was into her third season of sprinting and hillclimbing, here at Prescot, all the while touring the length and breadth of the UK.

Last year things calmed down a bit save for occasional day trips to Lynmouth, from London.

Over the winter with over 120k on the clock she had all new OEM suspension arms, bushes, springs, shocks, Montana interior, new soft top to match along with a respray and hand painted graphics.



Brilliant :clap:

Here’s to the next 60K :+1:

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Great post. Long may your adventures continue!


Madge looking and behaving First Class :trophy:

Excellent ownership :saluting_face:


An enviable history :+1:


Much has happened since my last post here, currently touring Europe had some lights fitted by a former 2.5 owner called Eren in Appledoorn yesterday.

They will probably make some wretch but I have only been practicing childishness for like 65 years :wink:

Afterwards I noodled at a max 80 kph along the scenic route to Velbert near Düsseldorf where I was born.

Next I’ll be going to the ‘ring on Wednesday ….



‘Banksy eat your heart out’

re Madge 'Art’ :grinning: Work …[Love ‘Pegasus’ and Madge name on her Bonnet]

And Why Not…You Only Live Once and you and Madge ‘Living the Dream’

Now touring again after putting her through paces :saluting_face:

[Bullit still looks like Madge did originally next major cost is a respray]

Seeing what you and Madge have done together is inspirational :sunglasses: :tophat:

[Not gonna tell Bullit what her sister Madge has been up to because I’ll get a ‘look’ …Mom why can’t I have an owner like Madge…you are similar age…you may feel ‘cream crackered’ but I’m not…get on with me works already so we can live a little !]

Great Post Art :+1:

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Thanks for the compliments, good luck with Bullits respray, look forward to seeing the pics :wink:

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Yep…the little madam…she’s already guilted me into getting her new brakes now as recommended by my mechanic [No Advisories] instead of more fencing for the garden even though she’s got a 13 month MOT…drat it. I strongly suspect she doesn’t want a new ‘Navigator’ [dawg to assist me] to muck up her interior carpets and leather seats etc


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Can’t imagine an MX-5 not being happy having a dawg for company :thinking:

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Yep…you’re correct Art :face_holding_back_tears:

Bullit and my late Cocker Bailey kinda grew up together in Whitby. Got Bullit 2007 and Bailey as an 8 week old in 2008. Had him well trained re being ‘Navigator’ including ‘Back Seat’ [which meant go into the soft top recess and pretend you’re a ‘Churchill like’ nodding dog] because I have a human passenger in ‘your seat’.
Then we moved and the new place wasn’t fully fenced and Bailey the daft Cocker thought he was still living in Whitby and instead of being a few thousand yards from the beach he was a few thousands yards from a main road…I’ll never forgive myself. Had him so well trained on everything.

But on the rare occasions he did disobey me [He was my fourth male Cocker]…you know what…I suspect he’d got a ‘scent in the air’ and went ‘looking for love’.

Cocker Spaniels…‘daft as a brush’ as me old Dad used to say. Why Cocker Spaniels…well blame Disney ‘Lady and the Tramp’

Back to reality Art…Just a question of £££ and what takes priority and it has to be Bullit to keep her legal

Meanwhile…Living the Dream via you and Madge

You’ve kept me motivated :smiley: :handshake:


Glad you have found some inspiration !

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Little up date on Madges Hols.

Spent a couple of days at my spiritual home and place of birth, Velbert near Duesseldorf, the back ground used to be a giant play ground for my German cousins and I 60 years ago !

Today I marched to the top of Holland all 300 plus meters of it, next to which the Belgians have thoughtfully built a 50 meter tower !

After recovering I took the scenic route to the Nurburgring where I found one of my all time favourite cars a Bentley Speed Six in the Museum.

On the drive over it rained almost the entire way getting heavier as I approached the circuit and I admit to a great deal of trepidation while paying for two touristenfahrt laps.

At the Green Corner Hotel I donned my finest brown trousers as the rain continued to get heavier.

As I approached the circuit all my cares evaporated and I managed three laps splashing through puddles and a few streams running across the track and a light coating of fog at the top of the circuit for added spice.

I was not going particularly fast but had the time of my life on a pretty deserted track compared to my last visit.

Recovering with an Argentinian steak at the Restaurant zur Nurburg as I write.

Next stop Switzerlands biggest MX-5 owners club meeting near Zurich on Saturday :sunglasses::+1:


Thoroughly enjoying these tales of derring do.

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Lovely pics Art…glad you didn’t spend too long on that grass though because that terrain was what started Bullits’ corrosion off back in 2011 :roll_eyes: :frowning_face:
Looking forward to next pics :grinning:

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It’s been an eventful couple of days since the last post.

When I locked Madge up following that excellent meal I noticed the key fob was a bit recalcitrant and it was the same in the morning.

Not wishing to find myself with a completely dead fob battery and unable to start the car found a Mazda dealer Butz & Muhlbach in Mayern about 1/2 an hour away who kindly fitted a new fob battery and supplied a spare for less the €5.

Getting to the dealer proved eventful as Waze sent me on a little excursion to Ardenau and back for no particular reason.

When I tried to enter my destination Gutshof zum Schluxen in Pinswang, Austria I got a message that Waze was off line and it was the same on Google Maps.

This was a frequent occurrence in my ambulancing days and usually a drive a mile or two down the road away from tall buildings usually got me back on line.

In this instance not much happened when I tried again so I thought I’d head for Koblenz which was vaguely east knowing I’d run into an Autobahn that headed south.

When I got to the Autobahnkreuz I could make no sense of the available options at all and realised my German geography is not what it was so carried on to Koblenz and pulled over at the next rest stop and a chap in a big white Mercedes kindly looked up the destination on his Sat Nav and gave me the order of the cities and towns I should be aiming at.

After a 15 mile diversion I found myself heading south in teaming rain. At the next services I managed to pick up a Europe Atlas for €10 and tried getting my phone to work again without any luck.

Fortunately I got in touch with my network provider and they said they would send a text. Instead of waiting for it to arrive I tootled on down to the next services.

When I got there still no text, so I dialled the provider again and found myself waiting to speak to a technical adviser.

Rather than hang around for someone to speak to I carried on down the autobahn with the phone on the in car hands free.

Eventually I spoke to a tech told him where I was, and what was not happening and he said he could help me with that but 1st had to ask some security questions.

Was I the bill payer for the account :thinking: Yes. First line of address and post code :thinking: No problem. First, fifth and eighth letter of my password :thinking: I burst out laughing explaining how I had no idea as it was written down in my password book locked securely in a drawer 600 miles away :rofl:

We got around that issue with the answer to another question eventually and it came out that my provider had erroneously pulled the plug on my connection because I was abroad despite my having been with the same provider for 20 plus years and always paying for European Roaming. He apologised and said he would send a text with further instructions and that I should turn the phone off and on before the text arrived.

I did this and while waiting for the text with instructions headed another 20 miles down the road to the next services where I followed the text instructions which restored the maps and the blue dots indicating where I was but I still couldn’t enter a destination.

So waited in another queue to speak to a tech and carried on down the road with the call on speaker phone.

While going through an autobahn road works the next chap came on and despite acknowledging this was the same problem I had when I spoke to his colleague not more than an hour earlier we had the security pantomime all over again !

I pulled over at the next services went into untold phone menus to switch various toggles and was eventually sent four more texts with instructions and luckily the instructions on the first worked :+1:

By now I had covered about 100 of the journeys 365 miles, I had started an hour late to get the battery sorted, had a half hour diversion because I did not know how to get where I was going and been stationary for another hour and a half talking to network provider techs.

With maps now operational I decided to press on and not stop until I had covered at least another 150 miles.

The rain was torrential most of the way, a black NB2 passed me at one point and just vanished into the haze created by all the spray glad I had the US style side lights fitted I switched on the rear fog too as I did not fancy getting rear ended on a motorway where the speed limit was 85 ish mph.

The 1st services after I had covered 150 miles was preceded by a monster tail back so rather than stop I carried on and eventually pulled up after covering 200 miles, at least 30 of which was crawling through traffic jams, in 4 hours.

Grabbed a ridiculously strong coffee and a frikadela , delicious pork and onion patty in a bun jumped back in the car and made for the autobahn, just as I leaving the services I noticed the fuel gauge was on the last mark before empty and being on the apron to join the autobahn I was way past the point of backing up to the fuel pumps which in Germany are positioned before the usual service facilities not after.

Three junctions down I found what looked like a promising location for a petrol station, plenty of warehouse factory type buildings loads of houses and a big church.

When I got there I found there was no petrol station but I did stumble across a chap who said he would guide me to an Aral garage 5 miles up the road.

Filled up to find there was still 10 litres in the tank probably just enough to get to my destination on fumes.

The Gutshof zum Schluxen was just what I needed comfy with a proper size bath and an amazing view from my room in the morning.

Hope I have not bored the pants off you. TBC


Technology eh?
It’s the future! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Quite a turbulent excursion it seems but all’s well that ends well and that scenery is spectacular :heart_eyes:

Can’t wait for the next thrilling instalment.


Oh and I forgot trying to sort 2 step verification on my late Mums e-mail account so I could get an e-mail to sort out a new energy contract for Dad. To do this I had to ask his temporary carer to locate Mums phone take it to her home and charge it then once charged call her activate the 2nd step verification which sent a text to Mums phone with a code that I typed into the verification page on my lap top in Austria :face_with_peeking_eye:


That’s how tech savvy I am…so :saluting_face:

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Apparently I’m being classed by the Club as a ‘Stalker’ …I’ve responded so often to your posts I’ve been told

‘You’ve replied to Art so often you may consider sending him a Personal Message’

Well I tried and that’s how tech savvy I am :rofl:

Joking aside Art

Caring for Parents or Others is challenging enough when you live in the same Country

Doing it long distance when you are not even on the same Continent :exploding_head:

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