Many a true word spoken in jest


You can say the same about coopers , candlestick makers and ostlers . But having such skills in 2023 reflects their rarity rather than the intellect of the person possessing them .

It’s a whimsical post John--------but we still love you.


Ah, the 21st Century version of the Email chain, reduced to an easily adaptable meme. This is how it started 5 years ago

This was a Meme that generated a Meme.

Bet you’re the life of the party……:rofl:

wow chain emails!! are those still a thing?
i remeber the first one i ever got back in 2005 when i got the internet.
i actually saved the text and kept it all these years!

here it is!

I can remember the Thatcher years…as her government systematically closed/sold the major industries here…mining, shipbuilding, steel etc. (also major employers.)
We were being transformed into a service economy we were informed.
However, with all that mass unemployment caused by the closure of heavy industry not many people could afford these services that were going to transform and float our economy.
With their grand plan on the cutting room floor and showing no sign of turning into a masterpiece Thatcher’s government blamed the populace rather than themselves.
It was the ‘lazy’ unemployed. People were too immobile (imagine wanting to live near your family…ho ho ho).
People should ‘get on their bikes’ (cos no-one could afford the petrol or the bus ticket) and find themselves another job outside the area.
Then…as marriages began to fall apart under the stress…it was the fault of the single parent. All these single parents were raising a feral generation…and it was their fault.
At one time Thatcher’s government (in all seriousness) attempted to demonstrate that an individual could easily feed themselves a nutritious diet on state benefits
by providing a weekly diet sheet that included halving a single egg and eating it over two meals…
it was the poor’s fault they were hungry because they lacked imagination and culinary skills…and so on.
TPTB use all manner of means to get their message across which is always
it’s not our fault it’s yours’…education, news outlets, drama, film, magazine articles until a large enough mass of the population believe their hocum and start pointing the fingers at one another.

That brings us to ‘divide and conquer’…

you know after reading it again, one has the thought, nothing ever changes does it!

‘Nothing Ever Changes’ :+1:

Except the ‘Names’ of ‘Things’ [Tweak it a bit…call it something different and say It’s New…but it isn’t]

:grimacing:: :frowning_face: :tired_face:

But what is the Solution to this Eternal Dilemma we all have to cope with every day :thinking:

Answers on a Postcard…[as they used to say in my day]

Reminds me of “wont get fooled again” by The Who.

I do love playing with a bank of carbs - very therapeutic

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I used to turn to this source when running 28/36DCDs , covers the main Webber range , still run a car with one on, and even used to go through rebuilding them piece by piece when on long trialing runs to stop from getting bored …. Seems a bit weird saying that out load .

Ah, happy memories.
I enjoyed using John Passini’s 1972 version to get the most out of a 32DFM in 1974…

Weber Carburettors Part 2. Tuning and maintenance.

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This made me smile! Classic and Cult Car T-Shirts

A basically terrible idea/experiment

A good idea;

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