Memories for some inspiration for others

From 2013 Memories for some and inspiration for others.

Cracking video! Looked like an epic run/meet, and so many stunning mx5’s to drool over! Looking forward to getting ours along to a few meets once she’s tidied up a bit.

And I can’t see any MX5s i recognise from my last OC Spelga Dam run, which I suppose was in 2003.

Always a good run out through the Mourne Mountains, the most memorable run I had was from only a couple of years ago where a photographer accompanied us for the day in his mx5 and at various points would go on ahead to set up his camera to take action shots of the cars coming along the road, had been doing this all day and was working well and getting good photos, so in the Mourne Mountains off he goes ahead to set up his camera on a fast part of the road that leads into a tight right hand bend and a few minutes later we all set off to get our photos taken and as we approach we see there is a pick up truck parked close to his mx5 and some sort of commotion going on, at first we all thought the ppick up had ran into the back of his parked mx5, but what had happened was that he and the pick driver spotted some broken motorbike fairings, a helmet and pair of gloves lying scattered on the road turns out some time before we all arrived on the scene some young guy on a new to him high powered motorbike had been speeding along and didn’t make it round the tight right hand bend and went of the road, along the grass verge, hit a few small boulders breaking the fairings and landed in a  narrow fast flowing stream that was around 8ft down below road level and isn’t visible at all from the road. The rider was injured and soaked through and was lucky not to have hit many of the large boulders though did have some broken bones as his  bike landed on top of him in the stream and not being able to get out of the stream was smart enough to throw his gloves and helmet up onto the road hoping a passing vehicle would stop, good thinking on his part as nobody would have known he was there. 

We all stopped to assist and managed to get him out of the stream and sat up in the pick up truck while waiting for ambulance to arrive, poor guy was more concerned about his new bike which was beyond repair, my son did go into the stream and got it upright but we where unable to lift it any further. Could have ended whole lot worse if he hadnt thrown his helmet and gloves up onto the road. Hope he has recovered from his injuries.