Mini Cup Holder Project...

Well I know you can buy these on eBay sometimes, but I like to do things for a.FREE and b.myself! 
So I made myself a cup holder to match my (Fake) ally dash kit (which isnt as bad as I thought it would be) and replace my ashtray which I broke removing the horrible ‘woody’ dash it had on it…
 So here goes:
cut out:

Under the 70mm hole saw:



and in: (fits like a glove!)

If you want to make your own, it was a 70mm hole saw (any bigger will mean you see the sides and wont leave enough ally to stick it down with) drilled into 3mm Aluminum measuring 186 x 96mm (I then file’d a tiny bit more till it fit perfectly) and all tidied up using wet and dry paper which was 280 grit to give it the brushed look. Once dried I then gave it a coat of laquer to keep it from tarnishing.
 Hope you likey! :smiley:


 I like it, very nice
What about a rectangular plate to go in the bottom of the tray to tidy it up in there too?

 Thanks, tho TBH you dont need to cover the inside, as the angle you see it from most you can hardly see inside, might put a rubber grommet on that screw tho… :smiley:

What a great idea, you could market this project I am sure, lets face it unless you are a smoker what on earth do you use the ashtray for, apart from keeping lose change or a small packet of tisues or a place to put nothing in really.

Thats a job well done!

Not in need of one myself but it`s given me an idea for a project for the apprentices at work. Give them my old ashtray & see what they come up with.

 Guy on this thread made one with a lid, Take a look.


Cool, I really need to replace my ashtray(kit looks very tatty and faded) with something better a proper tray or a cup holder… would your apprentacis want to do something with mine DavesBRG5 ?

If i can convince their Team Leader it would make a good project i will give them my old one to play with & let you know how it goes!

I went for the easy option myself & bought one of these.

Another good option is the sunglasses holder but expensive & rare.

 Try eBay if you arent up to making one people, there was someone on there who was getting Ally cup holders cut I believe (maybe with a water jet or something as they looked very neat) 
 More home mods to come from me! I’m going to make a front plate holder next, then I might have a go at one of those dipstick toppers from the for sale section (shameless plug for someone I dont even know!) on the metal lathe…
 Cheers for the positive replies!

Dave that holder does look good…( I have sent you a PM)


Awwwwww bless, thats sweet a little diagram to show you where the gears are located

LOL Herindoors drives it so darn`t take the sticker off.

My cup holder is under the stereo but will be up for sale once i fit the clock/cubby i have recently bought.

Piccys below

PS…hope i`m not hijacking the thread…just wanted to show people a few options!

OOOOPS piccys a tad big sorry.

 Mine came with an ally cup holder - I wondered if it was a JDM option?
DavesBRG5 - can you use odd numbered gears with that thing? :slight_smile:

LOL i wouldn`t recommend it…Usefull for your McDonalds happy meal choccy shake though!