MK&C Breakfast Meet - Wednesday 29th March

We’re trying something new, a ‘Breakfast Meet’.

We’ll meet in the Car Park at 09:45 for a Breakfast together at 10:00.

The Hatfield House Visitors Car Park is off Church Lane, Hatfield,AL9 5HX (just off the A1000 roundabout)

The idea is to just throw out an invite to all the Milton Keynes & Chilterns Area members (inc. Facebook) to meet up at various locations around the area and have a social Breakfast and chin wag!

This is the first and obviously midweek, but they can be weekday or weekend.

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We had 5 cars and 7 members attending the first of our Breakfast Meets. Good food and good conversation meant that 2hrs past in no time at all!

Keep an eye out for the next one :+1:t2: