MK1 Eunos Front Foglight Mounting Location

Hello all, I’m fitting the Eunos front fog lights to my MK1, I’ve got all the wiring and switch ready to go already. My question is, how do I fit the actual lights to the car? Do they use existing bolt holes or is some drilling required? I can see one upwards and one rearwards facing hole on each bracket, so I hope they’re pre positioned on the bumper somewhere. Thanks!

The upwards hole uses a hole that becomes available when a bumper retaining clip is removed. The backwards facing hole uses a 10mm headed bolt that you remove then refit to secure the fog lamp. The bumper clip shouldn’t be an issue, the 10mm bolt may well break off unfortunately.

Thanks, I’ve had a look and these are the bolts I can see which appear to be in the correct place. Are these the right ones?

The bolt on the car’s right is rounding off, and I can feel a nut on the back. How do I access the nut to undo that? The one on the other side is similarly stubborn too.

The downwards stud on the car’s left has snapped off, so I need to remove that and get a new bolt going down through there. Again, how do I access this? Do I have to remove the bumper?

They look to be the correct places. The downwards bolt would have been a plastic clip by design so has been changed. The 10mm bolts go into captive nuts which you can’t turn. The fog lamps would have originally been supplied with captive nuts on strips of metal to poke in behind the bumper. It’ll really be a case of working out how to fix them on based on what you have laying around. I think that I used the original plastic clip in the upwards hole as I couldn’t access behind the bumper.

Interesting, so I’ll probably have to remove the snapped downward stud somehow and replace it with a fresh bolt and nut combo. Not sure how I’ll do that. Probably try to cut it off?

The two rearwards bolts on the tow eyes are both rusted up and rounding, so that’s another thing to work out. Not much room to work with, so hopefully I can hammer a socket on them or something. At least now I know the nuts on the back aren’t going anywhere, that’s good news.