Hi folks, felt i just had to share my experience of todays 1st service. Man what a day !!
This is my first MX5 but not my first service by far. Easy start, plugs done, air filter done, so far so good. Car on ramps, check. Oil flush in hand…hold on i thought best check i can get the sump plug off 1st. Problem one, does my socket set fit …nah does it heck too big, never mind seek out the 19 mm spanner…lost damn ! Anyway find a flexible socket head thing now were cooking. Er no…some £$£^ss has clearly torqued the plug too much. Nearly pulling the car on me crack ! sump plug comes loose, thank god. Re-tighten …
Back out from under car, knock over engine flush…aw sugar !! why didnt i screw the damn top on, any half a bottle’s better than none ! Run engine 10 mins or so back under with lovely oil catcher, fancy thing that collects and stores for the trip to the tip you know the thing. Loosen sump plug, drop it, falls into the oil catcher, promplty blockss the oil drain hole, 4 litres of oil soon flowing down the drive !!! Idiot here thinks grab the plug , feck that oils hot , ow , ow , ow!!
Never mind just the filter to go, nearly done. If only, behnd the alternator ??? you sure, look again. Oh yes, your joking wtf !! who the hell puts it there ? Ok grab it best i can, twist…nothing, stuck aw for f’s sake. Call the wife in ! skinny arms, twist swear , walk off. Mmmmm. Grip isn’t a problem this thing clearly was fitted by the gorilla that fitted the sump plug !
1 hour later, sand paper, Marrigolds etc strewn across the garden no way…god damn this car…pile in other car down to spares shop, need one of the cap type wrench’s me thinks. Oh yes they sell em, Citroen, Audi, Renault…Mazda ??? NO. Try this strap wrench sir only £5…drive home.
Still with me ? Strap wrenches are crap, twists funny and dents the filter now theres no going back. We’re like 2-3 hours in here just getting this damn filter off. My arms are bleeding and sore, the damn thing ain’t moved one mm. Why oh why is it in such a crap place, even the “stab it with a screwdriver and twist” is out of the question.
Sit on the step and sulk for 30 mins…
Ok try once more with the strap different angle…PRAISE THE LORD !! the damn thing shifts… this is like 4 hours now.
Fit new filter, refill with oil. Wait for it…
Reverese of ramps and drive over 1/2 litre pot of Copperslip grease, oh for the love of God !!!
Never mind, my drives covered in oil and copper grease and so is my tyre, my arms are cut, bleeding and sore but that damn oil filter that cost £4 is fitted and i feel better for it !
Some days are destined to be bad no matter what you do. Keep smiling tomorrow may be sunny !!!
Ps. To rub salt in the wounds went back to the shop today and they have reduced the oil from £20 to £14 1 week after i bought it ! rofl !!! it can’t get any better !