Mk1 parts; lamp motors, wiper motors, wiper linkages, seatbelt, 1.6 airbox, 1.6 ISC valve, 1.8 inlet manifold

All parts collection from LU7 only. Can take offers on job lots.

Some headlight motors, not tested. £10 the pair, one has a linkage

Wiper motors, not tested, £10 the pair. Both 1.6 types

1.6 ISC Valve, not tested. £30

1995 Phase 2 1.8 Eunos Roadster seatbelt. Dated 1995. £20.

Wiper linkage, think its from a Mk1 (Mk1 and 2 are interchangeable). Everything moves freely… £15

1.6 Factory Airbox, includes a K&N panel filter. £20

1.8 Inlet manifold. I don’t know if this is for a UK or import. £10