Mk3 Now Lowered

I know this has been covered on this forum,but just have to say Bloody Hell its a different carBig Smile  feels like a proper sports car again! always said I preffered our old Mk 2! not now! the car is fun again and not just like a family car,the ride is firm but comfy, handles much better dose’nt boing about anymore and looks so much better!! this has to be a must do job to the Mk3!!!

 Hi Dug, I have just bought a 2006 MK3 2.0 Sport and have heard both sides regards to lower or not.My main concern is ground clearance,I don`t fancy avoiding sleeping policemen etc every time I take the car out.What is your take on this.And what cost is involved.



Hi Andy, It is not really an issue over speed bumbs as it is not really lowered just put back to the original design spec, I was looking at an S2000 before this car,they are much lower!.

As to cost, my local Mazda dealer did it, it is on there parts catalogue as a set price £295 inc vat,that does not include the alignement though which was another £50.00 which they did in house,not bad value me thinks!

Wheels in motion  do an all in price for £295  I think, I was going to take it there but would have cost £60 in fuel plus lunch for the misses!!


Thanks Dug, Wim do it at a good price but like you say its that bag of chips for the wife that puts the price up!!!





I was thinking about having my Mk 3 lowered too & have a couple of questions… how much lower is the ride height supposed to be (to match the Japanese spec’s)  & would I have to inform my insurance about the modifications ?

Living deep in the Cambridgeshire Fens, some of the roads I have to travel on are extremely bumpy & I have managed to scrape the exhaust once already on a nasty high spot…so don’t want to go too extreme in lowering the ride height & damaging any thing expensive.



The top two are before

the last two are after, as you can see not widly lowered! but looks and drives so much better

see a little can mean a lot Wink


Hi Dug,that looks a lot better.Does it matter which make of springs are fitted ie Eibach.



Hi Andy, this was done at a mazda dealer and only supply the standard lowering kit which are eibachs,and not as low as some you can get, but the car on the move looks so much better I was following the wife home after fittment, the car stays a lot flatter no more pitching front and back,just looks right