Fellow MX-5ers 

I’ve just been into my local dealer (above) to get my car serviced and they have got a MX-5 GT in the showroom.

Look mint in orange, it’s running on throttle bodies and sounds AWESOME !!!

Proper Mazda UK car tuned by JOTA, hopefully they bring it out although the salesman did’nt know!

Ive taken some piccys on my phone so i’ll try to upload them, I’m also going back on saturday, cos they have a driver coming from Mazda to do customer drives!!! 

This one, discussed here.

last seen at the Club National Rally at Prescott… 


Look’s exactly the same, but is on a 60 plate?

I’ve got 2 piccys off my phone and onto my pc but don’t know how to upload??? 

<v:shapetype coordsize=“21600,21600” o:spt=“75” o:preferrelative=“t” path=“m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe” filled=“f” stroked=“f” id="_x0000_t75"> </v:shapetype>


 Martin, i may have sorted the pictures problem


yeah, we have spotted the 60 plate one before somewhere. It still seems uncertain if this is just a publicity effort by Mazda UK or a serious attempt to sell the car.  It was first spotted in about June before the GFoS, it then appeared on the Mazda stand there.  And, stop press, I have just read this…

“Was speaking to a reliable source today and was told the GT will go into production, dealers should have one around the end of October for test drives, they will most likely have a launch day for it.”

What ever the final outcome it is attracting a lot of interrest in the brand and the MX-5 in the motoring press, can only be a good thing… Big Smile

The Mazda guy at Prescott said they were hopeful to build a few hundred retailing at around £30k 

 They should offer it as an aftermarket kit, I bet they’d get a lot more than a few hundred people buying in!!!

It would be worth the money for the sound alone!