MX05 RYL registration plate for sale?

I’ve just purchased a 25th Anniversary Edition and it is fantastic.

It came with a personalised number plate - MX05 RYL - which I am not too fussed about.

Does it have any value?
Where would/could I try to sell it privately or commercially???

You could ask him below if he’s got an MX-5.:smile:

Seriously I can’t see it being worth much.

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Maybe someone who lives in Rhyl, although I doubt they’d want to brag about it?

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Think there are dedicated sites for this but then you’d have the aggro of re-registering it under it’s original number…hmm personally as an MX-5 enthusiast I would ask you WHY would you want to change it’s personalized plate :open_hands: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :astonished:

You can buy plenty of MX05 plates from the DVLA still:

The £250 charge includes VAT and the £80 assignment fee.

It’ll cost you £80 to remove the plate off your car: Private (personalised) number plates: Take a private number off a vehicle - GOV.UK

Therefore I’d hazard a complete guess that you might get between £80 - £250 for your plate if you can find someone with an MX-5 that the letters RYL have meaning to.


Cos it was personalised to the previous owner and NOT me ergo it is not personalised!

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For the minimum charge, I could have had MA23 and my initials on the new Mazda 3, but I think personalised plates have become a bit passé now.

Way to go to upset the 6 million people who have bought private registration plates in the UK :joy:


My ‘L’ reg confuses folk when looking over the car, especially those that don’t know cars too well. Even worse my grandson thinks it’s a Tesla.

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Duh…of course…that would probably irritate me too :roll_eyes:

Is that possible? I thought that unless it had been transferred to another vehicle it was lost forever.

In the very distant future the car may have more value if it has retained its original registration.

The websites where you buy them from are useful for getting your original registration numbers back again if a previous owner had sold the number.


I’m just going to :zipper_mouth_face:

Suppose I was focused on the ‘MX05’ bit of the reg thinking vehicle would be more valuable with the number still in place
But then totally understand OP with the knowledge Not Personal to Him so it’s kinda like the previous owner is still part of the vehicle
Only went for a personal number place once back in 1996 and regretted it and I think somewhere on this site this is a thread about pros/cons of personalized plates
Apologies…broke a Club Rule…Don’t post when you don’t know what you are talking about :weary: :tired_face: :handshake:

In practice, when a Personal Plate is removed from a car, the original registration mark is almost always re-allocated to the vehicle. I’ve had cars which have gone through 3 or 4 personal plates with previous owners, and it has always reverted back to the original mark between PPs. It might be different for historic vehicles.

My understanding is that once a vehicle has been scrapped, then that registration mark can never be re-issued. I’m sure that one day somebody at DVLA will realise that they are missing out on a potentially large revenue stream because of this.

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If that was a rule the forum would be very quiet… :grinning:


It’s true my own limited knowledge about this stems from historic vehicles.

I’ve actually been asked if my own MX5 was a personalised plate (it isn’t) and was then told that it will likely be a more valuable registration (and apparently car) in the future (no idea if that’s going to turn out to be true or not though).

@Meneer_MX5 Of course you could just ask @IanH to rename your account to Meneeryl_MX5 and then it’s a personalised plate :wink:


My next door neighbour whose surname is Blight waited to 2016 and grabbed the reg BLI6HTY, (looks very like BLIGHTY on a number plate) which I thought was quite a good one. My sister Annette has had the number NETIE for 30 plus years, I expect that one is worth a few bob nowadays.

My NC’s original plate was replaced with a personalized plate . This was before i got her in october last year But it did not go back to the original plate .She had an AC plate when new now she has a BN plate…

And quite boring

Appreciated…got tummy ache :rofl:

yes its worth a tenner . let me have your email address

Enjoy your 25th and remember to join the 25thAE facebook group.

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