NA Crankshaft Nose Damage

  1. My model of MX-5 is: __ 92 Eunos Roadster
  2. I’m based near: __ Nottingham
  3. I’m looking for technical help or recommendations on: __

Hi all,

I’ve damaged the crankshaft nose due to my subpar drilling skills while removing the crankshaft gear. I also chipped the oil pump around the seal when trying to pry the gear off.

The keyway is still straight, but the crankshaft nose is not round and smooth. The new gear won’t slide on easily, and I had to use the crankshaft bolt to push it in. I suspect that’s why the gear was so hard to remove in the first place.

Do you think the crankshaft is still salvageable, or would it be wiser to just get a new engine for peace of mind? Any help and advice would be appreciated


Looking at the damage i would say change the engine just for peace of mind. The damage to the seal housing will end up causing leaks.
Replacement engines are cheap enough, although try to find one that is still fitted so you can hear it running and check for any odd noises or smoke from the exhaust.