Is the site open on Saturday and how early can it be accessed on Sunday please.
Hi Phil
What do you mean? If by rally things, no nothing is happening on site on Saturday.
The Museum is open as normal but tickets prices will apply. There will be various elements of build going on which will be taped off, but I am sure we will be able to find jobs for any volunteers to help with.
On Sunday the gates open at 10.30am, the arrival information is on the Rally hanger.
If you are coming for any other purpose (comps display etc) you will shortly receive arrival instructions
Thanks Iain, it was just that I was travelling up on the Saturday and thought we might go round the Museum. As for the Sunday I thought we might be able to get on site a little earlier to ease congestion. It just seemed that getting the amount of cars expected on site starting at 10.30 would cause long queues and half the day would be gone by the time you get parked.
I do not wish this to sound like a criticism as I am sure you and your team have got it planned superbly, but just thought I would check what time we could get in.
Phil, you’d be surprised how quickly people get in and parked up. The marshals are pretty good at keeping everyone moving. Of course, there will be a queue but I’d be surprised if you were held up for long.
Thanks chaps,
We have a gate time so that it is possible for us to manage the day in phases, with final step of receiving all the members on an advertised gate time.
We have only so many hands at the events and we have to plan to manage the time of the people helping out. The events are delivered by volunteers and as time goes on the numbers of people coming to the events is outstripping the numbers of people helping out.
Set up happens first thing, allowing the traders to be prepared for the day and free from people wandering round while they are trying to getting set up. Then there is phased arrivals of cars on various displays, competitions etc
Once this is in place we can check the site for operation and divert all available volunteer helpers into the resource to be ready or the main arrival of members and visitors. Arriving early causes more difficulties than it does help, as we need to peel off people to try to coordinate this.
Arriving early at this event you may find the gates to the parking areas will still be closed and security staff from the museum will divert you into the overflow carpark for holding with your vehicle, there is not a guarantee we can get you out of the area to park in the members parking, we will try, but many factors may prevent that
There are motorway services just a couple of minutes from the Museum, if you are looking like being early a quick stop there may be a good call and I am sure you will meet a load of other MX-5s in there too!
We really appreciate all the time and effort it takes to come to a rally and we only need to ask that people please aim for the gate time, the whole thing works if you can.
If you would like to come early and help park up the cars, we are desperately short of hands this year and all help is very welcome - it’s only a hour or so out of your day - PM me
That’s a very thorough explanation, thank you for that. All makes sense.
Have PM’d