Apoolgies if I have missed this printed elsewhere, but is there to be a dress code for Saturday nights dinner.What’s the usual code for such club events or is it left to the individual. I would also add, that if possible you could update me with dome haste- I will explain. My wife is naturally of the opinion that should take at least three outfits to choose from, and as she currently says she has only one at present, two could still be shopped for before next week. This has caused me several,sleepless nights already. If it continues I could be exhausted by rally time. So you see I need your help rather quickly.The excuse of the boot being too small has not helped either.
Like it! you should try out my sleepless nights at the moment.
The dress code for the evening is smart casual, the evening is relaxed and will be fun after dinner.
Dinner will be 7.30 for 8pm
Your game show and entertainment will commence around 9.20/30 running through to midnight.
Thanks very much iainf for that update. Much appreciated.