Hi guys, need a bit of help with my fogs please. Think my switch is ok as when I switch it on I hear a click from the relay in the fusebox located under the bonnet. Changed bulbs and tested with a multimeter at the bulb connector and nothing at all there. I’m thinking there’s probably a damaged wire somewhere… any other ideas?
Just because you can hear the relay clicking don’t assume it is ok.
If your competent enough with two pieces of wire and a multimeter you can test the relay across the battery.
Off to work at the mo but somebody will advise you of the pin numbers, if not i’ll post up later tonight.
Alternatively e-bay have relay tester for £10 ish.
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Think I’ll get a relay tester tbh. Probably useful to have around in the future too. Thanks for the help. I’ll post again once I’ve checked the relay